Erbe officinali illegali dal 2011? Il punto di vista della Federazione Erboristi Italiani
here to advertise the FEI press release, which in October he wanted to calm the growing concerns about the Directive 2004/24/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 31 March 2004, which is followed to the alarming news that bounced on the Internet and who have now spread to social networking sites like Facebook.
This is the point of view of the FEI:
Continue reading »
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Itchy Breasts And Perimenopause
SpazioMussi © Beekeeping: Beekeeping
First of all I want to clarify the actions that regulate the micro climate within aviation: - produce / dispose of the heat - to remove moisture and carbon dioxide - oxygen supply.
All these bees do it: - by vibrating the chest muscles - physically occupying the available space - ventilation.
physical occupation with the body space, avoid spontaneous convective movements inside the hive, and fluid (gas) and heat to which the bees with their actions to regulate the climate .
The most important change created by the space Mussi is the increase space intercom passing from 38.5 mm to 45 mm while the distance between adjacent sides of the combs increased from 13.5 mm to 20 mm, about one-third more. To maintain control of the climate inside the hive must fill this space so we need more bees, about 30% more.
At first, when pouring, to recover these bees should restrict the total space by reducing the number of third comb.
The transfer must be done in the spring, when the population is growing and there are enough bees in the hive ceraioli to increase the thickness of the combs in the upper area, inventories, to bring the measure "bee space" of about 8 mm. Given that during winter the family is centered with respect to stocks, not removing the combs occupied by bees and defining the space with a mobile diaphragm, making the transfer if: - the bees completely covering the inner face of the mobile diaphragm, - the ceraioli are in stock and can stretch the cells in the area stocks.
After the transfer: - do not give much space (constructed combs or comb foundations) if not earlier that the population has grown to hold back the inner surface of the mobile diaphragm. - Give the supers when the family is seven combs, centering it between two mobile diaphragm - give the combs built o i fogli cerei sempre nella posizione ultima o penultima (a destra di chi guarda da dietro).
Questa ultima operazione si può fare i due modi: o scorrendo di un posto verso sinistra tutti i favi oppure spostando da destra verso sinistra l’ultimo telaino di covata che diventerà il primo di covata a sinistra di fianco alle scorte.
Come vedete non ho parlato di varroa, quello non è compito dell’apicoltore.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What Does Le Creuset Look Like
illogical practice directions: in a beehive in Space © Mussi many varroa are there? Beekeeping
Forse non ci crederete ma c’è qualcuno che ancora si fa questa domanda.
Certamente è comprensibile un certo disorientamento, dopo poco più di trenta anni di ricerche sulla lotta alla varroa, con risultati prossimi allo zero, ed è sotto gli occhi di tutti che la ricerca è alla linea di partenza, si fa fatica a credere che, modificando semplicemente la distanza interfavo, il problema varroa non è più un problema.
Se a questo aggiungiamo che, tutti quelli che hanno campato sulla varroa, e non sono stati gli apicoltori, improvvisamente si trovano con la prospettiva di perdere una fonte di reddito e continuano da una parte a fare finta di ignorare il metodo Spazio Mussi© e dall’altra ad osteggiarlo con cattiva propaganda.
Then of course, although it is not acceptable, the loss of so many beekeepers.
Why not be shared?
Simply because there is no need to be a genius to apply the method, just be a beekeeper, using intelligence, as much or little it is, to understand the needs of the hive in the new situation and help you with simple steps to ferry Technical bees that should be the heritage of every beekeeper.
I like to recall a saying of thirty years ago, referring to products and antivarroa attributed to Prof. Raffaele Bozzi, "That which is harmful to Varroa is not good for your bees
Returning to SpazioMussi ©, when normalized the situation, you do not have a drone in the hive bee and even deformed, it lowers the level of disease because the bees are not stressed by continuous treatment, remains to adjust the production level, there are no problems in winter, what's the question is what are varroa in the hive?
many or few that are not felt, perhaps more disturbing to note that a simple but careful and passionate beekeeper has learned what so many other years have not been able or willing to understand.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Why Would A Guy Act Extremely Awkward Around You
BIO: biological management of the hives, the parasite Varroa control methods. Beekeeping
techniques put in place for the implementation of organic production, require knowledge of biology, physiology and ethology of the organizations involved in the production process , we suggest that knowledge of the methods and tools to maintain healthy bodies covered livestock, animals or plants that are in compliance with the health of products and maintaining a viable level of production.
At this time of serious problems for beekeepers who suffer from very strong bee die-offs attributed mainly to the difficulty of controlling pests such as mites and Nosema, as everyone is searching for the "fairy dust" that collapses the parasites, it is not clear why we should not talk of what we have already experienced and that it works is, the methods of bio-mechanical and biological control in the strict sense of the varroa.
For over twenty years, knows a very efficient way to combat varroa, this method which is based on the preference for male brood varroa. The inventor of this method is the beekeeper that made him Michael Campero known to the beekeeping world with the publication in 1990 of a booklet entitled "Fight the Varroa biomechanics.
In summary we can say that the method is to create an area within the hive where the bees can build brood combs suited to the male, removed periodically, it allows the physical removal of varroa it contains .
The method of physical limitations related to the production cycle of the bee alone is not sufficient for his complete recovery, however, remains very low level of infestation and intervention will fall with oxalic acid has no eradication but il mantenimento del parassita a livelli molto bassi.
Nel mese di settembre del 2003, in occasione del congresso mondiale di apicoltura tenutosi a Lubiana, alla presenza delle massime autorità della ricerca, l’apicoltore Francesco Mussi, con il sostegno della FAI-Federazione apicoltori italiani, ha reso nota la sua scoperta del metodo di controllo assoluto del parassita varroa che va sotto il nome di Spazio Mussi©.
Il metodo sfrutta la naturale attitudine delle api di liberarsi del parassita.
Le api sono capaci di applicare questa loro innata capacità soltanto in condizioni particolari che non sono in contrasto con l’attività beekeeper and do not in any way affect the level of production of the hives.
The beekeeper F. Mussi has found that increasing the distance between the combs and more specifically, going from thirty-eight point five millimeters to forty millimeters, which means distances between the central axes of these combs, the bees are able to free themselves from the parasitic varroa.
The parasite is not eliminated completely, but the level of infection remains low enough not to disturb minimally the life, work and productivity of the bees.
When in the spring of 2004 began for the first time to test the Space © Mussi, does not yet possess the standoff regulations, I simply adapted to the instructions given orally by Francesco Mussi in Ljubljana in September the year before splitting in a way appropriate to the space within the hive .
The results were in line with expectations, and the following year, changed to be a space and four hundred hives Mussi © all of my breeding.
Since then, for all beekeepers who have converted to Space © Mussi, varroa and only a bad memory.
For the beekeeper who will dedicate themselves to produzioni biologiche l’adozione dello Spazio Mussi© significa produrre in tutta sicurezza al riparo di ogni inquinamento chimico ed in più con notevole risparmio di lavoro e di denaro.
La capacità delle api di piegare lo spazio alle proprie esigenze è notevole, tutti abbiamo visto sciami installati nei più strani contenitori e prosperarvi senza problemi, dalla botticella abbandonata al tubo da stufa, dall’intercapedine di un muro al vecchio comodino, dal vano del contatore dell’energia elettrica al mucchio di legna, ecc. ecc. dove in passato, in assenza della varroa, sarebbero vissute alla grande.
Vi figurate un alveare che si trova in difficoltà Area: Mussi ©?
The truth is otherwise, it is the beekeeper who has difficulty adapting to new conditions created inside the hive, resulting from the adoption of Space © Mussi.
E 'a legitimate question: \u0026lt;it's better to work harder, spending on treatment, abuse bees, hive pollute the environment, the risk of poisoning? Or is it better to put in place small measures to adapt driving from beekeeper hives to the new situation from Space Mussi ©? >
Bodies di controllo delle produzioni biologiche dovrebbero prendere coscienza di queste realtà applicate e sperimentate per lunghi anni, dagli apicoltori più attenti, per inserirle tra le metodologie consigliate nella condizione degli alveari, con un atteggiamento analogo a quello adottato per gli acidi organici; con la differenza che i metodi descritti, Campero e Spazio Mussi©, sono sicuramente funzionanti, non inquinati per l’ambiente alveare e le relative produzioni.
Vincenzo Stampa
Monday, November 8, 2010
Get Wet During Brazillian Wax
Un'erba portentosa per il proprio gatto
From our sister site red "Remedies for the Home," a advice to make your cat happy with a plant more widespread abroad than in Italy , which can be in the garden in a vase, or just wipe on his games. The plant is Nepeta
the Cathars, and here's the link to the article: how to make your cat crazy with joy

the Cathars, and here's the link to the article: how to make your cat crazy with joy
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sewed In Hair Extensions
sea salt crystal salt
The sea salt, refined salt here is the truth about
There is a remarkable similarity between the salt water and sea salt of body fluids.
For nearly 30 years we have become used to feel that " salt is bad, very bad indeed .
This is true, but here's why:
The salt is refined salt we buy every day, even if it is sold as sea salt.
This salt has been refined, bleached and treated to make it suitable for storage and sale.
Very few people know that the true salt is sea salt : a composition of sodium chloride (NaCl) + 82 TRACE ELEMENTS valuable to our health, because they work in synergy with each other and with other elements in the human body.
Quinton stated that the elements present in sea salt play an important beneficial effects in disease prevention.
By refining these elements vengono sottratti e spesso venduti separatamente come integratori alimentari, impoverendo il sale alimentare industriale, che diventa un triste derivato del sale naturale privato dei suoi 82 tipi di oligoelementi.
Non fatevi ingannare dal Sale Iodato, non è un sale marino integrale, ma un sale raffinato con aggiunta di iodio, e rappresenta una infelice risposta alle vere necessità del nostro organismo.
Il sale marino integrale è il giusto sale , può essere acquistato in erboristeria, a differenza del sale raffinato che appare bianco e asciutto, il sale marino integrale è di colore grigio chiaro ed è leggermente umido, non fa male alla salute come quello raffinato e viene consigliato da numerosi doctors and therapists for the solution of health problems.
The sea salt is a natural integrator of many trace elements that our body needs to heal or remain healthy.
Read more about the benefits of sea salt:
Salt is good - No Health Guide 36
The sea salt, refined salt here is the truth about
There is a remarkable similarity between the salt water and sea salt of body fluids.
For nearly 30 years we have become used to feel that " salt is bad, very bad indeed .
This is true, but here's why:
The salt is refined salt we buy every day, even if it is sold as sea salt.
This salt has been refined, bleached and treated to make it suitable for storage and sale.
Very few people know that the true salt is sea salt : a composition of sodium chloride (NaCl) + 82 TRACE ELEMENTS valuable to our health, because they work in synergy with each other and with other elements in the human body.
Quinton stated that the elements present in sea salt play an important beneficial effects in disease prevention.
By refining these elements vengono sottratti e spesso venduti separatamente come integratori alimentari, impoverendo il sale alimentare industriale, che diventa un triste derivato del sale naturale privato dei suoi 82 tipi di oligoelementi.
Non fatevi ingannare dal Sale Iodato, non è un sale marino integrale, ma un sale raffinato con aggiunta di iodio, e rappresenta una infelice risposta alle vere necessità del nostro organismo.
Il sale marino integrale è il giusto sale , può essere acquistato in erboristeria, a differenza del sale raffinato che appare bianco e asciutto, il sale marino integrale è di colore grigio chiaro ed è leggermente umido, non fa male alla salute come quello raffinato e viene consigliato da numerosi doctors and therapists for the solution of health problems.
The sea salt is a natural integrator of many trace elements that our body needs to heal or remain healthy.
Read more about the benefits of sea salt:
Salt is good - No Health Guide 36
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of 'Himalaya Healing Incense
crystalline salt of 'Himalaya
Himalayan salt crystals are a particularly valuable kind of natural salt, the salt is extracted, processed, selected and thoroughly washed by hand and dried in the sun.
The crystalline salt of 'Himalaya contains no additives, has high quality bio-energy.
The crystal salt is able to balance the Ph of the skin (psoriasis, skin rashes, herpes ...), bring relief in the case of allergies and colds, treatment of various renal diseases, women's problems ...
Pure with its natural elements and 84 trace elements, is valuable to restore our balance and remove the waste we accumulate salts also taking industrial kitchen.
The crystalline salt of 'Himalaya is free of additives and pollutants that deplete the sea salt, salt crystal contains the energy that our body needs.
The natural crystal salt is the salt of the seas primordiali da dove abbiamo avuto origine. Per effetto dell'energia della luce il mare primordiale è stato prosciugato più di 250 milioni di anni fa.
Effetti benefici del sale cristallino dell'Himalaya
Il sale himalayano può sanare vari disturbi ed essere d'aiuto per le seguenti patologie:
riequilibrio pH naturale cutaneo e malattie della pelle
antinvecchiamento e rassodante per la pelle
allergie, malattie respiratorie e da raffreddamento
igiene orale e dentale
malattie degli occhi
affezioni renali e disturbi femminili
disturbi della digestione
disturbi reumatici, gotta, artrite, artrosi
ansia, problemi di concentrazione, disturbi del sonno
Per Saperne di più:
Sale Cristallino dell'Himalaya
crystalline salt of 'Himalaya
Himalayan salt crystals are a particularly valuable kind of natural salt, the salt is extracted, processed, selected and thoroughly washed by hand and dried in the sun.
The crystalline salt of 'Himalaya contains no additives, has high quality bio-energy.
The crystal salt is able to balance the Ph of the skin (psoriasis, skin rashes, herpes ...), bring relief in the case of allergies and colds, treatment of various renal diseases, women's problems ...
Pure with its natural elements and 84 trace elements, is valuable to restore our balance and remove the waste we accumulate salts also taking industrial kitchen.
The crystalline salt of 'Himalaya is free of additives and pollutants that deplete the sea salt, salt crystal contains the energy that our body needs.
The natural crystal salt is the salt of the seas primordiali da dove abbiamo avuto origine. Per effetto dell'energia della luce il mare primordiale è stato prosciugato più di 250 milioni di anni fa.
Effetti benefici del sale cristallino dell'Himalaya
Il sale himalayano può sanare vari disturbi ed essere d'aiuto per le seguenti patologie:
riequilibrio pH naturale cutaneo e malattie della pelle
antinvecchiamento e rassodante per la pelle
allergie, malattie respiratorie e da raffreddamento
igiene orale e dentale
malattie degli occhi
affezioni renali e disturbi femminili
disturbi della digestione
disturbi reumatici, gotta, artrite, artrosi
ansia, problemi di concentrazione, disturbi del sonno
Per Saperne di più:
Sale Cristallino dell'Himalaya
Friday, November 5, 2010
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Incenso di Guarigione
Bruciare incenso negli ambienti in cui viviamo fa bene alla salute!
L' incenso di guarigione è fabbricato seguendo una ricetta speciale, è un incenso completamente naturale e molto benefico.
Bruciarne un bastoncino alla mattina aiuta a limitare i danni dell`inquinamento, il profumo dell' incenso pervade l' organismo e crea una sottile pellicola di protezione profumata che dura tutto il giorno.
L'incenso bruciato alla sera fa rilassare, elimina le tensioni accumulate durante the day.
Incense burned during the day, is a balm of comfort. The
Lama Gangchen Healing Incense is a traditional, all-natural and very beneficial.
L 'healing incense contains 57 top quality ingredients, strictly natural and without any addition of synthetic flavors or other scents.
The company decided to produce only one type of incense.
L 'healing incense is made by carefully following the steps and rituals of the monasteries and Gangchen Seghiu (Central Tibet) where they had a very special lineage for the preparation of the incense of healing, and that its complexity was prepared a only once a year.
incense and healing 'is therefore very difficult to prepare and very expensive. Therefore, as Gangchen Lama said: "Very often what we call - incense of healing - and 'just ordinary Tibetan incense.
to purchase the' Healing Incense: Incense Healing
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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The Metamedicina, Heal interpret the messages of the body.
The Great Dictionary of Metamedicina
Healing interpret the messages of the body
Author: Claudia Rainville
The great dictionary of metamedicina is the most complete work on psychosomatic causes of more than 1300 different diseases and disorders.
The great dictionary of metamedicina need to find the keys of Self and become a doctor himself.
The great dictionary of metamedicina aims to help doctors, nurses and therapists to understand the diseases suffered by their patients and led to healing, an absolute reference with regard to allopathic medicine, holistic, alternative or sweet. The
Metamedicina aims to raise awareness of the medicine takes care of the visible part of the disease, symptoms, pain, abnormal, such as infections, through the care of the causative agents (eg viruses or microbes) . The
Metamedicina turns his attention to the black disease, the metamedicina care what you do not see, and which is often completely unknown, buried in the unconscious emotional memory.
The Metamedicina want to discover the origins of the disease , pain and discomfort that manifest in our lives, not only explain the causes of various diseases and disorders, the Metamedicina aims to understand and intervene at the root of the problem. According to the
Metamedicina keys of healing are within us!
Metamedicina The research focuses on disorders of the head, identifying the cause in fact there will be a real healing. According to the
metamedicina the base of each symptom o disturbo esiste un problema di natura emotiva.
Il grande dizionario della metamedicina spiega per ogni sintomo e per ogni disturbo il sentimento o la ferita emotiva che hanno originato l’incrinatura nel nostro organismo.
Chiaro, esauriente, indispensabile per cominciare a guarire
Per Saperne di Più:
Il Grande Dizionario della Metamedicina
The Great Dictionary of Metamedicina
Healing interpret the messages of the body
Author: Claudia Rainville
The great dictionary of metamedicina is the most complete work on psychosomatic causes of more than 1300 different diseases and disorders.
The great dictionary of metamedicina need to find the keys of Self and become a doctor himself.
The great dictionary of metamedicina aims to help doctors, nurses and therapists to understand the diseases suffered by their patients and led to healing, an absolute reference with regard to allopathic medicine, holistic, alternative or sweet. The
Metamedicina aims to raise awareness of the medicine takes care of the visible part of the disease, symptoms, pain, abnormal, such as infections, through the care of the causative agents (eg viruses or microbes) . The
Metamedicina turns his attention to the black disease, the metamedicina care what you do not see, and which is often completely unknown, buried in the unconscious emotional memory.
The Metamedicina want to discover the origins of the disease , pain and discomfort that manifest in our lives, not only explain the causes of various diseases and disorders, the Metamedicina aims to understand and intervene at the root of the problem. According to the
Metamedicina keys of healing are within us!
Metamedicina The research focuses on disorders of the head, identifying the cause in fact there will be a real healing. According to the
metamedicina the base of each symptom o disturbo esiste un problema di natura emotiva.
Il grande dizionario della metamedicina spiega per ogni sintomo e per ogni disturbo il sentimento o la ferita emotiva che hanno originato l’incrinatura nel nostro organismo.
Chiaro, esauriente, indispensabile per cominciare a guarire
Per Saperne di Più:
Il Grande Dizionario della Metamedicina
Remove Hemorroids Using Laser
Diet Healing System Mucusless
Il sistema di guarigione della dieta senza muco
Autore: Arnold Ehret
Secondo la Dieta Senza Muco la Guarigione é il processo naturale con il quale il corpo ripara se stesso .
La Guarigione è The goal of the diet, where the body repairs itself gradually removing all impediments, the fermented material deposits, toxins, poisons, chemicals extraneous mucus and everything not belonging to the natural composition of the body.
germs, bacteria or viruses do not evolve in a clean body, just passing through.
The mucus-free diet is a book that answers questions.
Diet Mucusless speaks of the nature of the food, how and why good cause or bad health, the errors are accepted as sacrosanct truth, how to get a health to new heights, everything is explained in a simple and intuitive.
What Mucusless Diet? Means una dieta che utilizza cibi che non creano muco.
Il muco comprende tutte quelle sostanze vischiose come colesterolo, catarro, flemma, ecc., molto irriverente per la precisa distinzione che la scienza ha per ognuno di questi termini, ma nella Dieta Senza Muco è irrilevante.
Il muco proviene dai cibi , passa dal colon a tutti gli organi del corpo causando con il passare degli anni molte malattie che periodicamente, e poi tutte insieme ci colpiscono.
Il Sistema di Guarigione della Dieta Senza Muco, rimuove quell'indesiderabile fardello e molto di più.
Eliminando il muco, il corpo inizia a guarire se stesso , la Dieta Senza Muco è anche una dieta per chi è sano e vuole remain so. The principles that are learned from the book without mucus diet allow you to have a life active and energetic, the mucus-free diet frees us from the poisons we are all now subject.
Learn more:
Diet Healing System Mucusless
Il sistema di guarigione della dieta senza muco
Autore: Arnold Ehret
Secondo la Dieta Senza Muco la Guarigione é il processo naturale con il quale il corpo ripara se stesso .
La Guarigione è The goal of the diet, where the body repairs itself gradually removing all impediments, the fermented material deposits, toxins, poisons, chemicals extraneous mucus and everything not belonging to the natural composition of the body.
germs, bacteria or viruses do not evolve in a clean body, just passing through.
The mucus-free diet is a book that answers questions.
Diet Mucusless speaks of the nature of the food, how and why good cause or bad health, the errors are accepted as sacrosanct truth, how to get a health to new heights, everything is explained in a simple and intuitive.
What Mucusless Diet? Means una dieta che utilizza cibi che non creano muco.
Il muco comprende tutte quelle sostanze vischiose come colesterolo, catarro, flemma, ecc., molto irriverente per la precisa distinzione che la scienza ha per ognuno di questi termini, ma nella Dieta Senza Muco è irrilevante.
Il muco proviene dai cibi , passa dal colon a tutti gli organi del corpo causando con il passare degli anni molte malattie che periodicamente, e poi tutte insieme ci colpiscono.
Il Sistema di Guarigione della Dieta Senza Muco, rimuove quell'indesiderabile fardello e molto di più.
Eliminando il muco, il corpo inizia a guarire se stesso , la Dieta Senza Muco è anche una dieta per chi è sano e vuole remain so. The principles that are learned from the book without mucus diet allow you to have a life active and energetic, the mucus-free diet frees us from the poisons we are all now subject.
Learn more:
Diet Healing System Mucusless
Tab Collar Billy Joel
Rimedio potente per l'insonnia
How do you sleep in a sleepless night?

A very powerful method is to make an infusion di luppolo secco (che si può mischiare anche con camomilla), e berlo dopo cena.
Parte il count down, due ore dopo siete stesi.
Il buon profumo ed essenza del luppolo aiutano il sonno, e infatti un altro rimedio è usare un cuscino riempito di luppolo secco.
Buona notte.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Hernia Without Surgery
creative self-preservation of the supers
I favi da melario sono un’importante investimento business not only in terms of sheer cost but, more importantly, as capital goods. Preservation of their good or bad consequences of such not only for the asset value but also for the quality of the productions.
I favi da melario sono un’importante investimento business not only in terms of sheer cost but, more importantly, as capital goods. Preservation of their good or bad consequences of such not only for the asset value but also for the quality of the productions.
After last year's harvest is good practice to dry the honey combs to the bees, in fact, the thin layer of honey that inevitably remains after the honey extraction has a tendency to sour giving properties of unpleasant Tasting at next year's crop, particularly in the spring.
beekeepers who manage a few hives giving new, quite simply, the supers and then remove them permanently to the families during the winter. When you move to larger, having to manage hundreds of honeycombs, usually three per hive, the operation becomes too expensive. One possible solution is to give the supers, stacked on pallets, a beehive of two or three hives located in a sheltered place, even a few bees are able to perform this difficult task very well in a short time.
(supers ready to be unloaded and cleaned)
Once this stage, to address the main problem is the the wax moth.
in the past have been used many products right now outlawed, including the paradichlorobenzene, better known as naphthalene and carbon disulfide.
The past is still there once the sulfur dioxide produced by burning sulfur tablets, tablet now sold in convenient cans.
For the future we will have more direct methods of biological control as the use of Bacillus thuringiensis.
The admission of the supers requires considerable space, a platform of 100 x 90 xh 120 cm contains only twenty-eight melari, per un apiario di un centinaio di alveari occorrono una decina di pianali. Non sempre si dispone di magazzini sufficientemente ampi, è frequente l’utilizzo di tettoie o capanni per il deposito dei melari al riparo dalle intemperie.
(melari impilati sotto una tettoia metallica)
La bonifica dei melari dalle tarme della cera nei diversi stadi di sviluppo, uova, larve, adulti non è problematica, qualsiasi metodo si adotti. Il vero problema invece è rappresentato dalla reinfestazione che costringe l’apicoltore repeated interventions. The stacked supers are never completely hermetic there is always a small crack through which one can slip in a "butterfly".
is not difficult to create a barrier to intrusion, and it offers pallets made from the bottom with the impenetrable layers of plastic or sheets of plywood nailed, you will stack the supers that you must keep making the best match and wrap carefully with stretch film, taking care to seal even higher, the transaction is completed with the superposition of a flap of plastic that serves to discourage the incursions of some mice.
(supers protected with stretch film)
To treat with sulfur dioxide, the practices of small holes into the ground at the stacks of supers and through these is introduced through the cannula supplied, an appropriate amount of sulfur dioxide from the canister. A spray for a period of four or five seconds is enough to clean the combs in the supers, of course for absolute security is better to repeat the operation a second time within a week or so.
(dell'anidride introduction through the cannula)
The interventions are simple, inexpensive and also very dangerous for the operator, but in any case, to avoid even the slightest contact with the gas, we recommend the use of a small gas mask with activated carbon.
Vincenzo Print
Friday, October 22, 2010
How To Remove A Handbrake Grip On A E46
Chronic poisoning by heavy metals
Chronic poisoning by heavy metals
The presence of heavy metals in our bodies is a source of various diseases and also contributing cause of many diseases serious.
Each person absorbs from the environment, from what we eat, pollution, dental amalgam, ... amounts of heavy metals, which are deposited in body tissues, creating disturbances to the functioning dell'organismo.
Per sapere se anche il tuo corpo è intossicato da metalli pesanti è possibile eseguire, in pochi giorni, l’Analisi Minerale Tissutale (Mineralogramma).
Questo esame è fondamentale se si vuole scoprire se si ha un eccesso di metalli tossici nel corpo e per scoprire se gli oligoelementi sono in equilibrio.
Una volta evidenziate le carenze o eccessi di metalli pesanti , il medico del laboratorio consegnerà anche la ricetta per farsi preparare galenicamente dal farmacista un’integrazione mirata, personalizzata di oligoelementi.
L'esame specifico per individuare i metalli pesanti si chiama MINERAL TEST, esiste dal 2000, è stato il primo centro Italian studies to make the tissue mineral analysis (or HTMA), through which you can determine how many and what minerals or metals are present in our body.
Just send the laboratory a small amount of their hair that are subjected to spectrometry. Once detected the various metals and trace elements present, the values \u200b\u200bare interpreted on a biochemical basis and not alternative medicine, taking into account the clinical history of each patient.
MINERAL TEST suggests a diet targeted to assist with the intake of food supplements appropriate to restore the proper balance between intracellular metals and trace elements, in order to keep the body in a state of optimal health by reducing the amount of metal in excess.
Much of the non-infectious diseases are linked to a mineral imbalance or the presence of toxic metals in our bodies.
People who eat meat or fish absorb larger amounts of heavy metals than vegetarians, the amount of heavy metals that everyone absorbs varies on the basis of 'living environment, eating habits, ...
Heavy metals are useful in the right quantity, if they are causing problems in excess, an excess of copper for example is responsible for headaches and recurrent headaches.
To learn more about how to test the heavy metals:
Other Helpful Resources:
Book: How to Defend
heavy metals Author: Luca Fortuna
How to defend against heavy metals is divided into two parts, first a general overview of heavy metals, the sources, their biochemical role and directions on how to protect themselves from intoxication.
A second dedicated to the presentations of individual heavy metals, their uses, the effects they produce on the body and the environment and how to defend themselves from their deleterious effects.
Learn more: How to Defend
heavy metals
Chronic poisoning by heavy metals
The presence of heavy metals in our bodies is a source of various diseases and also contributing cause of many diseases serious.
Each person absorbs from the environment, from what we eat, pollution, dental amalgam, ... amounts of heavy metals, which are deposited in body tissues, creating disturbances to the functioning dell'organismo.
Per sapere se anche il tuo corpo è intossicato da metalli pesanti è possibile eseguire, in pochi giorni, l’Analisi Minerale Tissutale (Mineralogramma).
Questo esame è fondamentale se si vuole scoprire se si ha un eccesso di metalli tossici nel corpo e per scoprire se gli oligoelementi sono in equilibrio.
Una volta evidenziate le carenze o eccessi di metalli pesanti , il medico del laboratorio consegnerà anche la ricetta per farsi preparare galenicamente dal farmacista un’integrazione mirata, personalizzata di oligoelementi.
L'esame specifico per individuare i metalli pesanti si chiama MINERAL TEST, esiste dal 2000, è stato il primo centro Italian studies to make the tissue mineral analysis (or HTMA), through which you can determine how many and what minerals or metals are present in our body.
Just send the laboratory a small amount of their hair that are subjected to spectrometry. Once detected the various metals and trace elements present, the values \u200b\u200bare interpreted on a biochemical basis and not alternative medicine, taking into account the clinical history of each patient.
MINERAL TEST suggests a diet targeted to assist with the intake of food supplements appropriate to restore the proper balance between intracellular metals and trace elements, in order to keep the body in a state of optimal health by reducing the amount of metal in excess.
Much of the non-infectious diseases are linked to a mineral imbalance or the presence of toxic metals in our bodies.
People who eat meat or fish absorb larger amounts of heavy metals than vegetarians, the amount of heavy metals that everyone absorbs varies on the basis of 'living environment, eating habits, ...
Heavy metals are useful in the right quantity, if they are causing problems in excess, an excess of copper for example is responsible for headaches and recurrent headaches.
To learn more about how to test the heavy metals:
Other Helpful Resources:
Book: How to Defend
heavy metals Author: Luca Fortuna
How to defend against heavy metals is divided into two parts, first a general overview of heavy metals, the sources, their biochemical role and directions on how to protect themselves from intoxication.
A second dedicated to the presentations of individual heavy metals, their uses, the effects they produce on the body and the environment and how to defend themselves from their deleterious effects.
Learn more: How to Defend
heavy metals
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My Hamster Is Rock Hard And Not Pooping
A Future Without Cancer
A Future Without Cancer
A future without cancer is an updated and comprehensive book on biological therapies and natural cancer , a future without cancer offers a description of the best treatments for cancer that has independent scientific research shown to be effective and decisive:
Clark, Kremer, Breuss, Mörmann, Gerson, Hamer, Issels, von Ardenne, Scheller, Reckeweg, Fryda, ...
A future without cancer indicates all preparations, trade names remedies against cancer, the dosage and treatment advice, nutrition and lifestyle to maintain for those with quualsiasi form of cancer.
This book overturns the belief that cancer is incurable, and opens real hope to those who are affected.
A future without cancer explains the genesis of a disease that has surely also originated in the "matter" in the environmental pollutants and lifestyle, but that takes some of its origins in the psychic and emotional states.
also explains the effects of chemotherapy and its almost totally ineffective against cancer, even toxic to the body.
fact statistics and scientific studies are demonstrating the position held by many doctors, that the use of chemotherapy is often more damaging than even refraining from any type of therapeutic intervention.
Read more: A Future Without Cancer
A Future Without Cancer
A future without cancer is an updated and comprehensive book on biological therapies and natural cancer , a future without cancer offers a description of the best treatments for cancer that has independent scientific research shown to be effective and decisive:
Clark, Kremer, Breuss, Mörmann, Gerson, Hamer, Issels, von Ardenne, Scheller, Reckeweg, Fryda, ...
A future without cancer indicates all preparations, trade names remedies against cancer, the dosage and treatment advice, nutrition and lifestyle to maintain for those with quualsiasi form of cancer.
This book overturns the belief that cancer is incurable, and opens real hope to those who are affected.
A future without cancer explains the genesis of a disease that has surely also originated in the "matter" in the environmental pollutants and lifestyle, but that takes some of its origins in the psychic and emotional states.
also explains the effects of chemotherapy and its almost totally ineffective against cancer, even toxic to the body.
fact statistics and scientific studies are demonstrating the position held by many doctors, that the use of chemotherapy is often more damaging than even refraining from any type of therapeutic intervention.
Read more: A Future Without Cancer
Swollen Salivary Glands Parotid Alcohol
The causes of the disease
Metaphysical Causes (psychosomatic) of 500 diseases
When the Body Says I love you ,
Book Author: Lise Bourbeau
Hippocrates , founding father of medicine said that if someone wants health, must be prepared to eliminate the causes of his illness.
Most of the diseases and health problems, has psychosomatic origin, ie, the disease originated from a cause emotional or mental , the body sends messages through the disease, and fa per farci capire che il modo di pensare che abbiamo non ci è benefico.
Ecco perchè Ippocrate diceva che bisogna eliminare le cause della malattia per ottenere la salute, nessuna malattia avviene per caso, la maggior parte delle malattie ha una causa emotiva, psicosomatica, chi è colpito da una malattia fisica deve ricercarne le cause sul piano emozionale.
Le cause più comuni della malattia sono gli atteggiamenti e le emozioni negative , i sensi di colpa,... la malattia si sviluppa in queste condizioni.
Lise Bourbeau da oltre 20 anni ricerca le cause metafisiche delle malattie, qualsiasi malattia, o disturbo d’ordine fisico è la manifestazione (il segnale) d’un problema esistente the emotional and unconscious on the mental plane, the disease is therefore a valuable ally not an enemy, the disease is a means to rebalance our being.
The physical body, in fact, is not the cause of diseases, without the mind is impotent.
Life comes from the mind, and so the disease, the body is a reflection of what happens inside us. A sick body is a body that seeks to rebalance itself, health is the natural state.
Medicine's task is to heal the body from disease, and when you have good results will also take account of the metaphysical dimension, using a method that allows you to return to harmony. This book takes
concerned about 500 diseases, you can identify the root cause, the emotional, mental and spiritual diseases are considered 500 in terms of physical, emotional and mental, for every physical illness explains why the emotional and mental 'has generated, helping the reader to trace the cause of their disease, as Hippocrates said, to cure the disease you have to eliminate the cause.
Learn more:
When your body tells you to love
Metaphysical Causes (psychosomatic) of 500 diseases
When the Body Says I love you ,
Book Author: Lise Bourbeau
Hippocrates , founding father of medicine said that if someone wants health, must be prepared to eliminate the causes of his illness.
Most of the diseases and health problems, has psychosomatic origin, ie, the disease originated from a cause emotional or mental , the body sends messages through the disease, and fa per farci capire che il modo di pensare che abbiamo non ci è benefico.
Ecco perchè Ippocrate diceva che bisogna eliminare le cause della malattia per ottenere la salute, nessuna malattia avviene per caso, la maggior parte delle malattie ha una causa emotiva, psicosomatica, chi è colpito da una malattia fisica deve ricercarne le cause sul piano emozionale.
Le cause più comuni della malattia sono gli atteggiamenti e le emozioni negative , i sensi di colpa,... la malattia si sviluppa in queste condizioni.
Lise Bourbeau da oltre 20 anni ricerca le cause metafisiche delle malattie, qualsiasi malattia, o disturbo d’ordine fisico è la manifestazione (il segnale) d’un problema esistente the emotional and unconscious on the mental plane, the disease is therefore a valuable ally not an enemy, the disease is a means to rebalance our being.
The physical body, in fact, is not the cause of diseases, without the mind is impotent.
Life comes from the mind, and so the disease, the body is a reflection of what happens inside us. A sick body is a body that seeks to rebalance itself, health is the natural state.
Medicine's task is to heal the body from disease, and when you have good results will also take account of the metaphysical dimension, using a method that allows you to return to harmony. This book takes
concerned about 500 diseases, you can identify the root cause, the emotional, mental and spiritual diseases are considered 500 in terms of physical, emotional and mental, for every physical illness explains why the emotional and mental 'has generated, helping the reader to trace the cause of their disease, as Hippocrates said, to cure the disease you have to eliminate the cause.
Learn more:
When your body tells you to love
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Gays Meeting Place In Hyderabad
Instant Healing, Miracle Migraine
Instant Healing The Miracle of Healing Health
Book Author: Dr. Noah McKay
The miracle of health is within everyone's reach.
The choice of a good life is in our hands.
are the words of Dr. Noah McKay, an expert on energy medicine applied to health.
Noah McKay is survived a serious illness called incurable by traditional medicine.
Combining knowledge of quantum physics in alternative disciplines, including yoga, meditation, fasting, qigong, natural medicine, kinesiology and acupuncture, Dr. Noah has developed a program of self healing immediate Quantico, made of simple and effective strategies that activate in Instantly the healing potential of persons initiating healing. A book
that explains how to heal your body by harnessing the potential of weaving science and spirituality, showing how healing is born within us at the precise moment you leave the limiting beliefs and free our innate healing powers, and already programmed in the DNA kept in the cells of our body.
A book about the incredible powers of self healing through the principles of quantum physics. According to Dr Noah
healing happens when you abandon limiting beliefs and unleash the potential for healing, already programmed in the DNA is kept in the cells of our body.
Healing comes before everything within us
Dr. Noah has shared this program of self healing with his patients and thousands of people around the world, which suggests simple and effective strategies to activate their own healing potential and achieve full recovery.
Learn more: Instant Healing
Instant Healing The Miracle of Healing Health
Book Author: Dr. Noah McKay
The miracle of health is within everyone's reach.
The choice of a good life is in our hands.
are the words of Dr. Noah McKay, an expert on energy medicine applied to health.
Noah McKay is survived a serious illness called incurable by traditional medicine.
Combining knowledge of quantum physics in alternative disciplines, including yoga, meditation, fasting, qigong, natural medicine, kinesiology and acupuncture, Dr. Noah has developed a program of self healing immediate Quantico, made of simple and effective strategies that activate in Instantly the healing potential of persons initiating healing. A book
that explains how to heal your body by harnessing the potential of weaving science and spirituality, showing how healing is born within us at the precise moment you leave the limiting beliefs and free our innate healing powers, and already programmed in the DNA kept in the cells of our body.
A book about the incredible powers of self healing through the principles of quantum physics. According to Dr Noah
healing happens when you abandon limiting beliefs and unleash the potential for healing, already programmed in the DNA is kept in the cells of our body.
Healing comes before everything within us
Dr. Noah has shared this program of self healing with his patients and thousands of people around the world, which suggests simple and effective strategies to activate their own healing potential and achieve full recovery.
Learn more: Instant Healing
Does Pokemon Emerald Still Sell In Stores?
Health and Medicine Alternative Health On The
The Meaning of 'Migraine
Many people of all ages and sex migraine sufferers, alternative medicine or natural shown that migraine is generated by a desire to control, but also restrained by an emotion such as anger.
The headache or migraine depends on emotion che cerchiamo di trattenere, di controllare, ma che prima o poi rompe gli argini e provoca dolore.
Alcuni ritengono che l'emicrania corrisponde al senso di colpa nei confronti del riposo o del piacere, e che l'emicrania premestruale esprima un rifiuto della condizione femminile.
L'emicrania periodica rappresenta la difficoltà di adattamento all'alternarsi tra attività e riposo, l'emicrania può manifestarsi quando dedichiamo eccessivo tempo alle nostre attività dimenticandoci le dovute pause, l'emicrania del weekend rappresenta la difficoltà a dimenticare le preoccupazioni, a lasciarle andare,...
Il significato dell'emicrania può essere riassunto nel desiderio di controllo nei confronti della life, an emotion ... migraine also depends on a sense of fear and uncertainty ... migraine may be the consequence of the desire to keep everything under control and fear of failure, ... This article
migraine according to the natural medicine has been taken from the book:
Disease try to heal
The Meaning of 'Migraine
Many people of all ages and sex migraine sufferers, alternative medicine or natural shown that migraine is generated by a desire to control, but also restrained by an emotion such as anger.
The headache or migraine depends on emotion che cerchiamo di trattenere, di controllare, ma che prima o poi rompe gli argini e provoca dolore.
Alcuni ritengono che l'emicrania corrisponde al senso di colpa nei confronti del riposo o del piacere, e che l'emicrania premestruale esprima un rifiuto della condizione femminile.
L'emicrania periodica rappresenta la difficoltà di adattamento all'alternarsi tra attività e riposo, l'emicrania può manifestarsi quando dedichiamo eccessivo tempo alle nostre attività dimenticandoci le dovute pause, l'emicrania del weekend rappresenta la difficoltà a dimenticare le preoccupazioni, a lasciarle andare,...
Il significato dell'emicrania può essere riassunto nel desiderio di controllo nei confronti della life, an emotion ... migraine also depends on a sense of fear and uncertainty ... migraine may be the consequence of the desire to keep everything under control and fear of failure, ... This article
migraine according to the natural medicine has been taken from the book:
Disease try to heal
Monday, October 18, 2010
Xanax 2 Mg Street Value
How to Interpret Your Coffee
Health starts at the table
Food Self-Defense, Ebook
Author: V. Are silent & L. Paola
difficult when you go shopping, cook, or you sit at the table ... think about health and what you eat, but nutrition has a direct relationship with the health and welfare General.
awaken this awareness is the mission of Leonardo di Paola and Viviana are silent, they have gathered in this ebook all their experience on food, beauty and happiness.
Self Defense Supply
tricks for weight control and Living Better Ebook 403 Pages + Report, V. Are silent & L. Paola
Food insecurity: a daily risk for health and wellness.
Junk food and treats: the logic of marketing applied to food.
know the reasons for the hunger and drive metabolism.
for alarm and phobias: the value of nutritional awareness.
Supercharger and malnutrition: the main causes of health problems.
2: HOW macronutrients PILLARS OF NUTRITION
Get off the roller coaster of blood sugar spikes "against overweight and diabetes.
friend in the pot, the enemy in the body: the nutrient subtractive.
What is the risk between the Coliseum and how to avoid animal protein and vegetables.
saturated, unsaturated, trans ... Which fats are "good" and should be consumed regularly.
fibers, an ally of diet to health and wellness in the diet of every day.
3: What are the micronutrients, PICCOLI E INSOSTITUIBILI AMICI
Vitamine e antiossidanti, micronutrienti essenziali come elisir di lunga vita in salute.
Le vitamine del gruppo B, amiche della dieta e del sistema nervoso.
Nuove frontiere dei micronutrienti: il potere dei bioflavonoidi.
Come sconfiggere la carenza minerale numero 1: il ferro.
LARN, RDA & Co: quante vitamine e quanti minerali dobbiamo assumere?
Perchè l'intestino è definito il secondo cervello.
L'importanza del fuoco digestivo: 10 trucchi per digerire meglio.
Dieta dissociata: abbinare i cibi seguendo "Il Fiore della Digestione".
How to fight constipation, constipation and weight problems.
The secrets of water: the main signs of dehydration.
Why know the label is an important move for health and food self-defense.
additives and dyes, malaise, irritability and attention deficit in adults and children.
"Imperfection productive" and "absolute benefit" means two recipes no stress.
How to estimate in a practical way the nutritional value of food.
The 'full' day of biology, ecology Vegetarianism and nutrition.
The new food pyramid of prevention, a practical scheme of reference.
Choose the best out of 7 Winning nutrition strategies and customize what you eat.
Shopping: make peace with fridge and pantry to avoid "the siren effect."
From nature to plate: cook food properly preserving the nutrients
The "Power Positive Thinking," for a new identity as a health food.
How to use supplements, according to Pauling and other proponents of Cellular Nutrition.
How to distinguish between true and Nutritional Supplements "magic pill".
Breakfast ideale: nutrirsi bene per avere energia e controllare la fame durante il giorno.
Il fast food intelligente: cosa scegliere come alternativa ad un pasto scadente.
Biodisponibiltà e megadosaggio: valutare un programma di integrazione completo e sinergico.
Ebook Autodifesa Alimentare
Clicca qui per scaricarlo ora sul tuo Pc!
Health starts at the table
Food Self-Defense, Ebook
Author: V. Are silent & L. Paola
difficult when you go shopping, cook, or you sit at the table ... think about health and what you eat, but nutrition has a direct relationship with the health and welfare General.
awaken this awareness is the mission of Leonardo di Paola and Viviana are silent, they have gathered in this ebook all their experience on food, beauty and happiness.
Self Defense Supply
tricks for weight control and Living Better Ebook 403 Pages + Report, V. Are silent & L. Paola
Food insecurity: a daily risk for health and wellness.
Junk food and treats: the logic of marketing applied to food.
know the reasons for the hunger and drive metabolism.
for alarm and phobias: the value of nutritional awareness.
Supercharger and malnutrition: the main causes of health problems.
2: HOW macronutrients PILLARS OF NUTRITION
Get off the roller coaster of blood sugar spikes "against overweight and diabetes.
friend in the pot, the enemy in the body: the nutrient subtractive.
What is the risk between the Coliseum and how to avoid animal protein and vegetables.
saturated, unsaturated, trans ... Which fats are "good" and should be consumed regularly.
fibers, an ally of diet to health and wellness in the diet of every day.
3: What are the micronutrients, PICCOLI E INSOSTITUIBILI AMICI
Vitamine e antiossidanti, micronutrienti essenziali come elisir di lunga vita in salute.
Le vitamine del gruppo B, amiche della dieta e del sistema nervoso.
Nuove frontiere dei micronutrienti: il potere dei bioflavonoidi.
Come sconfiggere la carenza minerale numero 1: il ferro.
LARN, RDA & Co: quante vitamine e quanti minerali dobbiamo assumere?
Perchè l'intestino è definito il secondo cervello.
L'importanza del fuoco digestivo: 10 trucchi per digerire meglio.
Dieta dissociata: abbinare i cibi seguendo "Il Fiore della Digestione".
How to fight constipation, constipation and weight problems.
The secrets of water: the main signs of dehydration.
Why know the label is an important move for health and food self-defense.
additives and dyes, malaise, irritability and attention deficit in adults and children.
"Imperfection productive" and "absolute benefit" means two recipes no stress.
How to estimate in a practical way the nutritional value of food.
The 'full' day of biology, ecology Vegetarianism and nutrition.
The new food pyramid of prevention, a practical scheme of reference.
Choose the best out of 7 Winning nutrition strategies and customize what you eat.
Shopping: make peace with fridge and pantry to avoid "the siren effect."
From nature to plate: cook food properly preserving the nutrients
The "Power Positive Thinking," for a new identity as a health food.
How to use supplements, according to Pauling and other proponents of Cellular Nutrition.
How to distinguish between true and Nutritional Supplements "magic pill".
Breakfast ideale: nutrirsi bene per avere energia e controllare la fame durante il giorno.
Il fast food intelligente: cosa scegliere come alternativa ad un pasto scadente.
Biodisponibiltà e megadosaggio: valutare un programma di integrazione completo e sinergico.
Ebook Autodifesa Alimentare
Clicca qui per scaricarlo ora sul tuo Pc!
Mosquito Like Bumps On My Stomach Very Painful
La Malattia Cerca di Guarirmi
Libro del Dott. Philippe Dransart
Questo libro rappresenta un approccio alternativo all'interpretazione della malattia e al raggiungimento della guarigione.
La malattia è una medaglia a due facce , da un lato ci è nemica e dall'altro attempts to communicate that something is wrong with the whole of us, the disease tells us that we must change something in our lives, the disease in this way try to heal.
Illness is a signal that the body sends us, The pain, the injury is the exact reflection of our emotions. The feeling becomes a sensation: it eats, it itches, it's a dull ache ... but what we rode and we itch? What is dull pain? Suffer without knowing why, we do not have the key to understanding the significance of the disease.
try to cure disease, written by Dr.. Philippe Dransart says the disease is generated by an emotion, try to heal the disease emotion that generated , this book helps those who suffer the disease to find the key to healing the disease because it contains within it the seeds of healing.
If we listen to your body, will talk about the disease, the disease will cease to be the bogeyman to be fought at all costs, becoming instead a dialogue with ourselves, through which we discover that behind the enemy dreaded disease, is hiding a friend seeking to heal the wounds of the soul.
To learn more about the interpretation of the disease: Disease
try to heal
Friday, October 15, 2010
Honeywell Thermostat Instal
Disease How to Cure Diabetes in 21 Days
Paper "Treating Diabetes in 21 Days"
Autore: Gabriel Cousens
Curare il Diabete in 21 giorni è un libro in grado di dimostrare che il diabete è curabile.
Il diabete è una tra le più diffuse e debilitanti patologie
Curare il diabete in 21 giorni è un programma che insegna come abbassare i livelli di glucosio nel sangue e invertire il processo del diabete fino alla guarigione in 21 giorni.
Il dottor Cousens analizza i fattori di rischio, le cause, e le cure naturali esistenti per il Diabete, patologia debilitante per centinaia di milioni di persone.
Le terapie proposte nel programma Curare il diabete in 21 giorni sono basate sulla dieta vegan, senza proteine animali.
cure diabetes in 21 days gives amazing results that no other kind of scheme provides healing.
This method to cure diabetes is the result of a collective medical work lasted 35 years which has proven its effectiveness.
This therapeutic program called "Tree of Life" is able to reverse the degenerative process of type II diabetes until complete healing, and to make substantial improvements of the noise caused by diabetes type I.
cure diabetes in 21 days is based on a natural approach that takes into account three hundred and sixty degrees of power, emotions, lifestyle and natural remedies.
Read more how to cure diabetes:
Treating Diabetes in 21 Days
Paper "Treating Diabetes in 21 Days"
Autore: Gabriel Cousens
Curare il Diabete in 21 giorni è un libro in grado di dimostrare che il diabete è curabile.
Il diabete è una tra le più diffuse e debilitanti patologie
Curare il diabete in 21 giorni è un programma che insegna come abbassare i livelli di glucosio nel sangue e invertire il processo del diabete fino alla guarigione in 21 giorni.
Il dottor Cousens analizza i fattori di rischio, le cause, e le cure naturali esistenti per il Diabete, patologia debilitante per centinaia di milioni di persone.
Le terapie proposte nel programma Curare il diabete in 21 giorni sono basate sulla dieta vegan, senza proteine animali.
cure diabetes in 21 days gives amazing results that no other kind of scheme provides healing.
This method to cure diabetes is the result of a collective medical work lasted 35 years which has proven its effectiveness.
This therapeutic program called "Tree of Life" is able to reverse the degenerative process of type II diabetes until complete healing, and to make substantial improvements of the noise caused by diabetes type I.
cure diabetes in 21 days is based on a natural approach that takes into account three hundred and sixty degrees of power, emotions, lifestyle and natural remedies.
Read more how to cure diabetes:
Treating Diabetes in 21 Days
Locked Pinkies Touching Thumbs
Hypothyroidism, how to recognize and treat thyroid disorders
hypothyroidism, a Reserve Ignored!
Many people suffer from hypothyroidism without knowing it, reduced thyroid function.
You may be suffering from hypothyroidism without recognizing the symptoms, hypothyroidism is a disease widespread.
's book Raul Vergini speaks of 'Hypothyroidism, and represents the most comprehensive and updated to this disease.
How to recognize and treat the 'hypothyroidism, what are the risk factors and limits of therapy with thyroxine, how important is iodine for thyroid health and how to treat the "adrenal weakness."
If you can not solve problems that you may be suffering from hypothyroidism , have you checked whether your thyroid is working well?
In this book you will discover that:
● Many people have problems linked to malfunctioning of the thyroid
● Laboratory tests too often do not detect hypothyroidism or other thyroid problems
● thyroxine therapy alone sometimes
does not work and many patients continue to suffer the symptoms of hypothyroidism
● The "adrenal weakness is often connected insufficient thyroid
● Iodine is an essential element for healthy thyroid
Symptoms of 'hypothyroidism:
● Easy to gain weight or difficulty losing
● ● Freddolosità constant fatigue and physical / or mental disabilities or attention
● High cholesterol despite diet
● ● Constipation Dry skin, hair falling
tend to be depressed or sad mood ● ● Easy
to infections especially respiratory
● Menstrual problems or fertility
● Pain articular muscle and low body temperature
● ● ● Allergy Headache or migraine
Qquesto symptoms could be linked to hypothyroidism if you have it often should be checked for proper functioning of the thyroid.
Hypothyroidism - An emergency Ignored Raoul Virgin
hypothyroidism, a Reserve Ignored!
Many people suffer from hypothyroidism without knowing it, reduced thyroid function.
You may be suffering from hypothyroidism without recognizing the symptoms, hypothyroidism is a disease widespread.
's book Raul Vergini speaks of 'Hypothyroidism, and represents the most comprehensive and updated to this disease.
How to recognize and treat the 'hypothyroidism, what are the risk factors and limits of therapy with thyroxine, how important is iodine for thyroid health and how to treat the "adrenal weakness."
If you can not solve problems that you may be suffering from hypothyroidism , have you checked whether your thyroid is working well?
In this book you will discover that:
● Many people have problems linked to malfunctioning of the thyroid
● Laboratory tests too often do not detect hypothyroidism or other thyroid problems
● thyroxine therapy alone sometimes
does not work and many patients continue to suffer the symptoms of hypothyroidism
● The "adrenal weakness is often connected insufficient thyroid
● Iodine is an essential element for healthy thyroid
Symptoms of 'hypothyroidism:
● Easy to gain weight or difficulty losing
● ● Freddolosità constant fatigue and physical / or mental disabilities or attention
● High cholesterol despite diet
● ● Constipation Dry skin, hair falling
tend to be depressed or sad mood ● ● Easy
to infections especially respiratory
● Menstrual problems or fertility
● Pain articular muscle and low body temperature
● ● ● Allergy Headache or migraine
Qquesto symptoms could be linked to hypothyroidism if you have it often should be checked for proper functioning of the thyroid.
Hypothyroidism - An emergency Ignored Raoul Virgin
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Obtain A Florida Drivers License Template
Beekeeping: Beekeeping
In every region, every province, in every valley, there is a treasure: the local bee, it's there, and so, simply because it is the form most suitable to live there.
The beekeeper is able to nurture and perpetuate this treasure if not for love, at least for interest.
live in harmony with nature, keep bees in your valley!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Starting Off A Besser Block Wall
Ricetta greca per capelli belli e luminosi: lozione di Calliope
Una lozione speciale dalla Grecia per avere capelli belli e luminosi:
100 gr. olio d' laurel
100 gr. olive oil (I prefer jojoba oil for dry hair)
20 drops of essential oil of rosemary
20 drops of essential oil of thyme
10 drops of your oil essential choice (I like jasmine or vanilla)
Mix all oils together and store in a brown bottle.
Heat the mixture a bit '. Apply to dry hair. Massage the scalp and extremities.
wrap with a warm towel and leave for 1 hour (once a week) or overnight (once a month) for a deep conditioning .. For oily hair no more 'than 2 hours.
Wash your hair with plenty of natural shampoo and dry it as usual ..
Kalliopi grandmother's recipe, article Iokasti
Una lozione speciale dalla Grecia per avere capelli belli e luminosi:
100 gr. olio d' laurel
100 gr. olive oil (I prefer jojoba oil for dry hair)
20 drops of essential oil of rosemary
20 drops of essential oil of thyme
10 drops of your oil essential choice (I like jasmine or vanilla)
Mix all oils together and store in a brown bottle.
Heat the mixture a bit '. Apply to dry hair. Massage the scalp and extremities.
wrap with a warm towel and leave for 1 hour (once a week) or overnight (once a month) for a deep conditioning .. For oily hair no more 'than 2 hours.
Wash your hair with plenty of natural shampoo and dry it as usual ..
Kalliopi grandmother's recipe, article Iokasti
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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Lenire dolori alla schiena e al ginocchio
"I am 15 years old for back pain and also applied a leaf of cabbage, and believe me it is not fantasy.
I had a knee like a balloon and after 3 days, with no pharmaceutical treatment, the knee has become normal without pain, my husband had to change his mind very skeptical.
Try the first cheap, then it surely does not hurt. "
Article posted by ALBA
picture Zsuzsanna Kilian

I had a knee like a balloon and after 3 days, with no pharmaceutical treatment, the knee has become normal without pain, my husband had to change his mind very skeptical.
Try the first cheap, then it surely does not hurt. "
Article posted by ALBA
picture Zsuzsanna Kilian
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Ricetta Paruc (Farinaccio) al burro e panna
Paruch (Farinaccio - Chenopodioideae) butter and cream.
"Paruch" is the name used in the Bergamo valleys and to define common herb that is cooked like spinach. A slightly more elaborate recipe is this:
- Browse through the planting and use only the leaves.
- Wash them in cold water.
- Place in a pan capable a nice knob of butter over medium heat and let it imbiandire.
- Insert the drain and leaves them alive enough to cook until softened appear.
- Add salt, half cup of fresh cream and parmesan cheese.
- Let the cream cheese and form a smooth cream, then serve.
Article by Frank S.

"Paruch" is the name used in the Bergamo valleys and to define common herb that is cooked like spinach. A slightly more elaborate recipe is this:
- Browse through the planting and use only the leaves.
- Wash them in cold water.
- Place in a pan capable a nice knob of butter over medium heat and let it imbiandire.
- Insert the drain and leaves them alive enough to cook until softened appear.
- Add salt, half cup of fresh cream and parmesan cheese.
- Let the cream cheese and form a smooth cream, then serve.
Article by Frank S.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Traditional Interpretation Of Progressivism
How Clean Organs
Why is it important to clean up their bodies?
organs of the human body absorbs from food and environment pollutants and accumulate in them without polish.
Within the organs of our bodies accumulate toxic substances that damage and weaken.
addition to environmental toxins, our bodies are home pests that consume our energies to survive.
toxicants accumulated in the organs and parasites, weaken the entire body, as well as feeling tired, lacking energy, we are more exposed to diseases, disorders manifest as allergies, and it is difficult to trace the causes. Clean
their bodies from toxins and parasites is essential for the maintenance of good health, disease prevention, and recovery of health in the event that was already compromised.
cleaned bodies has helped many people solve probemi health that has dragged on for years.
An Example of organ cleaning: Clean
liver The liver is an organ which has the task of producing bile, and is full of tubes spewing bile in the biliary channel.
These bile ducts are often blocked by gallstones, which affect the function of this important body.
A malfunction of the liver leads to a malfunction of the stomach and digestion, cleanse the liver of gallstones requires little time and produces an immediate improvement in digestion and health.
Pierre Pellizzari author of " Cleaning up their organs "states that:
If your body is tired and weary as an old 500 guided mountain road full of twists, will clean up the bodies in order to make your body the power of a sports car driven up to 3-lane highway with no traffic.
Pierre Pellizzari experienced naturopath, he devoted himself full time to naturopathy and reflexology in his book, Clean Your Own Organs describes a method to do it yourself clean up all the organs of the body , simple, inexpensive methods to clean the liver, intestines, lungs, blood, stomach, .... all the organs of the human body.
Clean their organs explains how to clean your corpo da parassiti e sostanze tossiche organo per organo, ma soprattutto come riconoscere quali intossicazioni abbiamo attraverso la lettura dei segnali che il corpo ci invia per invitarci a porre rimedio.
Per saperne di più:
Ripulire i Propri Organi
Why is it important to clean up their bodies?
organs of the human body absorbs from food and environment pollutants and accumulate in them without polish.
Within the organs of our bodies accumulate toxic substances that damage and weaken.
addition to environmental toxins, our bodies are home pests that consume our energies to survive.
toxicants accumulated in the organs and parasites, weaken the entire body, as well as feeling tired, lacking energy, we are more exposed to diseases, disorders manifest as allergies, and it is difficult to trace the causes. Clean
their bodies from toxins and parasites is essential for the maintenance of good health, disease prevention, and recovery of health in the event that was already compromised.
cleaned bodies has helped many people solve probemi health that has dragged on for years.
An Example of organ cleaning: Clean
liver The liver is an organ which has the task of producing bile, and is full of tubes spewing bile in the biliary channel.
These bile ducts are often blocked by gallstones, which affect the function of this important body.
A malfunction of the liver leads to a malfunction of the stomach and digestion, cleanse the liver of gallstones requires little time and produces an immediate improvement in digestion and health.
Pierre Pellizzari author of " Cleaning up their organs "states that:
If your body is tired and weary as an old 500 guided mountain road full of twists, will clean up the bodies in order to make your body the power of a sports car driven up to 3-lane highway with no traffic.
Pierre Pellizzari experienced naturopath, he devoted himself full time to naturopathy and reflexology in his book, Clean Your Own Organs describes a method to do it yourself clean up all the organs of the body , simple, inexpensive methods to clean the liver, intestines, lungs, blood, stomach, .... all the organs of the human body.
Clean their organs explains how to clean your corpo da parassiti e sostanze tossiche organo per organo, ma soprattutto come riconoscere quali intossicazioni abbiamo attraverso la lettura dei segnali che il corpo ci invia per invitarci a porre rimedio.
Per saperne di più:
Ripulire i Propri Organi
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Help Writing The Blue And Gold Program
Intestine Free: Clean Intestine and Colon
Perchè e importante la pulizia dell'intestino?
La maggior parte dei problemi di salute e delle malattie sono causate da un cattivo funzionamento dell’intestino , in particolare del colon.
Il colon è focolaio per numerose malattie, nell’intestino risiedono parassiti che si alimentano dal cibo, prelevando energie e scaricando nel nostro bowel toxins, weakening the immune system and paving the way for the development of disease.
Because the intestine is malfunctioning?
Foods of industrial origin are free of fibers, produce a hard, dry ground that is hard to flow in the gut.
The food during digestion rather than move smoothly along the walls of the intestine and colon, remains a long stick to the wall of the intestine, rots, it forms plaque preventing normal bowel function, and promotes the development of parasites.
Dr. Bernard Jensen iridologist naturopath and nutritionist, in fifty years of the medical profession, he studied the importance of a clean and gut concluded that:
most health problems today is due to poor condition of the 'gut.
Jensen has developed a treatment system of 'gut applying for years in his clinic, California.
has prepared a special diet for the cleaning of 'gut combined with specific exercises that have enabled many of his patients recover from even serious diseases such as breast lumps, psoriasis, prostate problems, diverticulitis, bowel prolapse, severe constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease, chronic headaches, allergies, asthma and respiratory problems.
The method of dr. Jensen for bowel cleansing is explained in detail in the book of the Intestine Free Macroedizioni.
Intestine Free explains a simple and inexpensive home treatment for bowel cleansing that allows you to rediscover the well-being without drugs or surgery.
Learn more about bowel cleansing:
Intestine Free
Perchè e importante la pulizia dell'intestino?
La maggior parte dei problemi di salute e delle malattie sono causate da un cattivo funzionamento dell’intestino , in particolare del colon.
Il colon è focolaio per numerose malattie, nell’intestino risiedono parassiti che si alimentano dal cibo, prelevando energie e scaricando nel nostro bowel toxins, weakening the immune system and paving the way for the development of disease.
Because the intestine is malfunctioning?
Foods of industrial origin are free of fibers, produce a hard, dry ground that is hard to flow in the gut.
The food during digestion rather than move smoothly along the walls of the intestine and colon, remains a long stick to the wall of the intestine, rots, it forms plaque preventing normal bowel function, and promotes the development of parasites.
Dr. Bernard Jensen iridologist naturopath and nutritionist, in fifty years of the medical profession, he studied the importance of a clean and gut concluded that:
most health problems today is due to poor condition of the 'gut.
Jensen has developed a treatment system of 'gut applying for years in his clinic, California.
has prepared a special diet for the cleaning of 'gut combined with specific exercises that have enabled many of his patients recover from even serious diseases such as breast lumps, psoriasis, prostate problems, diverticulitis, bowel prolapse, severe constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, heart disease, chronic headaches, allergies, asthma and respiratory problems.
The method of dr. Jensen for bowel cleansing is explained in detail in the book of the Intestine Free Macroedizioni.
Intestine Free explains a simple and inexpensive home treatment for bowel cleansing that allows you to rediscover the well-being without drugs or surgery.
Learn more about bowel cleansing:
Intestine Free
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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Come prevenire la calvizie
The simple application of a multitude of vitamins can not prevent hair loss.
must be done on the diet, and it is healthy and nourishing the scalp to make strong.
Vitamin B, niacin and pantothenic acid are the most important elements for this purpose, and are found in quantities in whole grains, meat and egg yolk.
in the world of herbs there are some solutions that may help:
Saw Palmetto (Palmetto florida ) are commercially available in tablet form or hair oil.
is in use by the end of the 800 for this purpose with satisfactory results.
Arnica: The oil obtained from flowers of arnica helps in reducing dandruff and promotes hair growth. Regular application prevents hair loss.
Aloe : Apply aloe hair prevents hair loss, help hair growth and acts as a balm.
Just rub it on the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
Photos DC D. Reichardt

must be done on the diet, and it is healthy and nourishing the scalp to make strong.
Vitamin B, niacin and pantothenic acid are the most important elements for this purpose, and are found in quantities in whole grains, meat and egg yolk.
in the world of herbs there are some solutions that may help:
Saw Palmetto (Palmetto florida ) are commercially available in tablet form or hair oil.
is in use by the end of the 800 for this purpose with satisfactory results.
Arnica: The oil obtained from flowers of arnica helps in reducing dandruff and promotes hair growth. Regular application prevents hair loss.
Aloe : Apply aloe hair prevents hair loss, help hair growth and acts as a balm.
Just rub it on the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
Photos DC D. Reichardt
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Todd Lammle Ccna Labs
Ricetta tarassaco - Insalata matta con le uova sode
's crazy salad name, popular in northern Italy to define the "dandelion " if caught very early (ie before it flowers NDR) to the melting of snow is great in salads with boiled eggs.
- take the map with a portion of the root
- World of damaged leaves and peel the root without deleting
- Wash more times in cold water and in the end, before the final rinse, take a few minutes to soak in plenty of water with a glass of "Amuchina.
- season with a tramp of fresh garlic, anchovies, salt, vinegar and oil.
- cook hard-boiled eggs (12 'since boiling water and number you wish) and then peel them, mash with a fork.
- then mix them with the crazy salad, a nice piece of crusty bread in his hand and a good appetite.
author: Frank S.
The Dandelion is a well-known purification
photos DC cielomiomarito
- take the map with a portion of the root
- World of damaged leaves and peel the root without deleting
- Wash more times in cold water and in the end, before the final rinse, take a few minutes to soak in plenty of water with a glass of "Amuchina.
- season with a tramp of fresh garlic, anchovies, salt, vinegar and oil.
- then mix them with the crazy salad, a nice piece of crusty bread in his hand and a good appetite.
author: Frank S.
The Dandelion is a well-known purification
photos DC cielomiomarito
Friday, July 9, 2010
Build Your Own Bathtub From Concrete
breeding queen bees in the square: Milk and Honey to Catellammare del Golfo (TP)
The foundation Buccellato Annalisa, the owner of Museo etno-antropologico ospitato presso i locali del Castello Arabo-Normanno di Castellammare del Golfo (TP) , dedica ogni anno una manifestazione ad uno dei temi museali con lo scopo non solo di promuovere la conoscenza del passato, ma anche di suggerire i legami intercorrenti fra vecchio e nuovo e di approfondire le problematiche attuali dei temi trattati.
L’evento di quest’anno sarà dedicato a “ IL LATTE E IL MIELE ”
areas of the museum dedicated to the topics documented breeding, dairy farming, dairy production in our region and the rearing of bees represented the most common tools, such as wooden hives, the frames furniture, honey extractors with which centrifuging the honey combs are made out without destroying them. And then brushes, nurturing, smokehouses, knives and forks, etc. for the uncapping. etc..
The target audience is of course the local population, particularly the younger generation, but also many tourists every year choose our places to spend the holidays, of which it wants to offer, in addition to the enjoyment of natural beauty, including a broader historical and cultural knowledge of the territory.
Events in the events:
Saturday, July 31
Castle Square at 19.30
Demonstration of production of ricotta cheese and
Commented by Gaetano Basile
Sunday, August 1
19.00 Piazza Castello
Demonstration of honey and wax
Commented by Gaetano Basile
museum environment, "the honeymoon"
during the event will offer local producers, in tents set up in Piazza Castello, free tastings of products typical of the province of Trapani
Toddler Thirst All The Time
Egadi of Beekeeping: Honey Bee Timo
L’esercizio dell’apicoltura a fini economici vanta una tradizione, nelle isole Egadi, che si fa risalire al tempo della colonizzazione romana. La fonte principale di informazione, oltre la tradizione orale, è rappresentata dal lavoro del naturalista napoletano Monticelli Teodoro, che trascorse esule alcuni anni nell’isola di Favignana, pubblicando la sua esperienza in un trattatello del 1835 che ha per titolo “Del trattamento delle api in Favignana”.
Nelle isole le principali fonti nettarifere sono tuttora heather multiflora represented, from rosemary, and thyme from the thistle varieties capitatus. The largest quantity was sold and is by far made up of thyme honey, the plant, the Timus capitatus, the most widespread in Favignana, was a source of transhumance in Sicily and precisely along the coastal strip between Marsala and Mazzara where the terrain to ski tuff, is particularly conducive to the spontaneous spread of the plant. Today, this range has very limited modern shearing machines allow you to transform your skiing in uncultivated agricultural land particularly suited to crops in greenhouses.
bush bloomed thyme
Transhumance was conducted by means of barges called schifazzi ", a version of the great Mediterranean crop, normally used for carrying goods and in particular the white tuff from the quarries of Favignana, Sicily were exported for the construction of fine homes.
thyme honey has always been considered one of the best honeys in the world, from A publication of the Institute of historical merceologia Pescara is noted that in Roman times were known and traded Three main types of honey, honey Penthouse the most appreciated, today we would call the top of the line, honey Ibleo classic thyme honey of a quality comparable Phoenician and honey, a popular product.
The thymus is part of life and culture of Egadi, in June, when the plant blooms, the landscape is dominated by patches of pink-purple thyme bushes, bunches of the plant are used in respect for tradition, in the processing of tuna during cooking, which gives it a characteristic aroma and taste, in the past was used by the poor as domestic fuel.
Viewpoints In the forties and fifties of the last century, the farm hand was the poorest class of the population and, after a hard day's work was his task to provide fuel for the preparation of the only daily meal for him and his family. So, on the way back home, get some twigs of thyme, the only woody plant on the island available for free to all. The fireworks lit the evening air of the country to spread a special flavor that for those who still remember those sad times, is the smell of poverty. |
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