Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Hernia Without Surgery

creative self-preservation of the supers

I favi da melario sono un’importante investimento business not only in terms of sheer cost but, more importantly, as capital goods. Preservation of their good or bad consequences of such not only for the asset value but also for the quality of the productions.
After last year's harvest is good practice to dry the honey combs to the bees, in fact, the thin layer of honey that inevitably remains after the honey extraction has a tendency to sour giving properties of unpleasant Tasting at next year's crop, particularly in the spring.
beekeepers who manage a few hives giving new, quite simply, the supers and then remove them permanently to the families during the winter. When you move to larger, having to manage hundreds of honeycombs, usually three per hive, the operation becomes too expensive. One possible solution is to give the supers, stacked on pallets, a beehive of two or three hives located in a sheltered place, even a few bees are able to perform this difficult task very well in a short time.
(supers ready to be unloaded and cleaned)
Once this stage, to address the main problem is the the wax moth.
in the past have been used many products right now outlawed, including the paradichlorobenzene, better known as naphthalene and carbon disulfide.
The past is still there once the sulfur dioxide produced by burning sulfur tablets, tablet now sold in convenient cans.
For the future we will have more direct methods of biological control as the use of Bacillus thuringiensis.
The admission of the supers requires considerable space, a platform of 100 x 90 xh 120 cm contains only twenty-eight melari, per un apiario di un centinaio di alveari occorrono una decina di pianali. Non sempre si dispone di magazzini sufficientemente ampi, è frequente l’utilizzo di tettoie o capanni per il deposito dei melari al riparo dalle intemperie.

 (melari impilati sotto una tettoia metallica)

La bonifica dei melari dalle tarme della cera nei diversi stadi di sviluppo, uova, larve, adulti non è problematica, qualsiasi metodo si adotti. Il vero problema invece è rappresentato dalla reinfestazione che costringe l’apicoltore repeated interventions. The stacked supers are never completely hermetic there is always a small crack through which one can slip in a "butterfly".
is not difficult to create a barrier to intrusion, and it offers pallets made from the bottom with the impenetrable layers of plastic or sheets of plywood nailed, you will stack the supers that you must keep making the best match and wrap carefully with stretch film, taking care to seal even higher, the transaction is completed with the superposition of a flap of plastic that serves to discourage the incursions of some mice.

(supers protected with stretch film)

To treat with sulfur dioxide, the practices of small holes into the ground at the stacks of supers and through these is introduced through the cannula supplied, an appropriate amount of sulfur dioxide from the canister. A spray for a period of four or five seconds is enough to clean the combs in the supers, of course for absolute security is better to repeat the operation a second time within a week or so.

(dell'anidride introduction through the cannula)

The interventions are simple, inexpensive and also very dangerous for the operator, but in any case, to avoid even the slightest contact with the gas, we recommend the use of a small gas mask with activated carbon.

Vincenzo Print


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