The foundation Buccellato Annalisa, the owner of Museo etno-antropologico ospitato presso i locali del Castello Arabo-Normanno di Castellammare del Golfo (TP) , dedica ogni anno una manifestazione ad uno dei temi museali con lo scopo non solo di promuovere la conoscenza del passato, ma anche di suggerire i legami intercorrenti fra vecchio e nuovo e di approfondire le problematiche attuali dei temi trattati.
L’evento di quest’anno sarà dedicato a “ IL LATTE E IL MIELE ”
areas of the museum dedicated to the topics documented breeding, dairy farming, dairy production in our region and the rearing of bees represented the most common tools, such as wooden hives, the frames furniture, honey extractors with which centrifuging the honey combs are made out without destroying them. And then brushes, nurturing, smokehouses, knives and forks, etc. for the uncapping. etc..
The target audience is of course the local population, particularly the younger generation, but also many tourists every year choose our places to spend the holidays, of which it wants to offer, in addition to the enjoyment of natural beauty, including a broader historical and cultural knowledge of the territory.
Events in the events:
Saturday, July 31
Castle Square at 19.30
Demonstration of production of ricotta cheese and
Commented by Gaetano Basile
Sunday, August 1
19.00 Piazza Castello
Demonstration of honey and wax
Commented by Gaetano Basile
museum environment, "the honeymoon"
during the event will offer local producers, in tents set up in Piazza Castello, free tastings of products typical of the province of Trapani
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