Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Propane Burner Works

Beekeeping Mussi Space: The accuracy, variability, convenience and freedom. Beekeeping

When in the spring of 2004 for the first time put to the test the SpazioMussi ©, does not yet possess the standoff regulations, molto semplicemente e quasi brutalmente mi sono adeguato alle istruzioni ricevute oralmente da Francesco Mussi nel settembre dell’anno prima a Lubiana.
La sciando, a partire dalla parete di destra, lo spazio d’ape regolamentare di otto millimetri ho suddiviso lo spazio a intervalli di quarantacinque millimetri, ho ricavato

otto “alloggi” per i telaini  e nello spazio rimanente, nel lato sinistro, insufficiente per un nono telaino ho piazzato un diaframma mobile.

Six hives have been adapted in this way the instrument to test the Space © Mussi.
Following the results, nothing short of amazing, I began to talk to other beekeepers in Trapani, one of them had a story that can be indirectly confirmed the goodness of the method.
fact I learned of an apiary, some fifty Dadant hives, bought in eastern Sicily and ligustica populated by bees, which nest in the supers is carried by eight spacers honey combs at intervals of forty-eight mm. These hives had over one hundred others of the same beekeeper, with spacers regulations Dadant spaced thirty mm, greater resistance to varroa, which was attributed to the different quality of dall'apicoltore bees, although they will need at least an annual treatment.
Replace the spacers in hundreds of hives populated also means making hundreds of transfers in the most suitable season for bees, which is the spring, the hives are on the rise, is not really a joke. The interim solution adopted in a number of hives was to bend the lever orecchiette with the standoff, and then expand the space between the combs using as a standard test the width of the lever that is about twenty millimeters.
gained some practice in many cases, I set eye and, compared to control varroa, nothing has changed with respect to space Mussi ©? regulation, if the bees are on their own and I would say hurry up, fine. Then, little by little, all spacers were replaced with those regulations in Space © Mussi returning to a so-called "normal.
Now, looking eye in surveying the position of the combs, arranged in those hives, you could see immediately what a disorder where the bees do not seem to have suffered at all.
obvious question is: is not that we have exaggerated with the mania of the accuracy at all costs?
I would say so!
The ability of bees to bend the space suit your needs is important, we all have seen swarms installed in strange containers, abandoned by the barrel to the stovepipe, dall'intercapedine a wall at the old table, from the compartment of the meter electricity to the pile of wood, etc.. etc.. where in the past, in the absence of varroa, would live big.
We figured that a hive is in trouble for Space Mussi ©?
to laugh at the thought.
The truth is otherwise, it is l’apicoltore che ha difficoltà ad adattarsi alla nuova e diversificata situazione, all’interno dell’arnia, determinata dall’adozione dello Spazio Mussi© .
E’ lecita una domanda: < è meglio lavorare di più, spendere per i trattamenti, maltrattare le api, inquinare l’ambiente alveare, rischiare di avvelenarsi? Oppure è meglio mettere in atto piccoli accorgimenti da apicoltore per adattare la conduzione degli alveari alla nuova situazione determinata dallo Spazio Mussi©? >
Scegliete liberamente!
Vincenzo Stampa


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