Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Do I Have To Wear Black Spandex?

Beekeeping for beginners: everything you need to know to become a Beekeeper Beekeeping

from requests that come via e-mail, and statistical analysis of the keywords used in research in this blog and other sites of national interest, it is clear that there is a strong and growing interest for the activity of bee-keeping, even by those who are, despite himself, in unforeseen and serious economic difficulties.

It should be noted that breeding bee is likely to be conducted on many levels adapting perfectly to the needs, capabilities and technical and economic possibilities of each.
Of course there are some basic conditions which can not be ignored and are
- verification of the sensitivity to bee venom
- a good knowledge of anatomy, physiology and ethology of bees
- knowledge of nectar resources of the territory in which they will operate
- analysis of the potential availability of economic resources, weather and local portions of land to place the hives
- possibilità di usufruire dei consigli di un apicoltore esperto
- forte propensione all'osservazione e disponibilità ad imparare dalle api
Dall'analisi delle condizioni iniziali deriva il livello massimo su cui potersi posizionare, alla fine di un processo evolutivo, riguardo alla dimensione dell'allevamento, riferito come numero di alveari gestibili.
Per fare un esempio concreto, chi ha un lavoro da dipendente difficilmente può arrivare a gestire un allevamento di oltre cinquanta alveari.
Il principiante deve fare esperienza e la deve fare possibilmente in un contesto di tranquillità, per questo it is considered necessary the support of a tutor.

Visit to a Bee hive Sicula

When they decide to take up beekeeping is advisable to start with a few hives, three would be perfect.
Why three?
Typically, the starting point of any business is the purchase of bee swarms with five combs, managing only a swarm does not provide sufficient data to gain experience for its conduct è influenzato da fattori interni come razza, età della regina, stato di salute ecc. e da fattori esterni posizionamento, andamento climatico, disponibilità di pascolo, ecc. per tanto, non avendo la possibilità di fare un confronto con altri alveari, il novello apicoltore, non capisce i motivi del comportamento del suo sciame, positivo o negativo che sia.
Invece conducendo un minimo di tre sciami, posizionati nello stesso luogo e quindi a parità di condizioni esterne, le differenze nel loro andamento dipende solo da fattori interni e dalle azioni del novello apicoltore. Viene così facilitata la maturazione di un'esperienza.
Sono tante le cose che l'apicoltore deve learn a very important among these is the relationship established with his hives, as my teacher said Bruno Pasi, beekeeper to tailor Albaredo D'Adige (VR), the beekeeper must not think of honey, but must be concerned for the welfare of hives taking care not to have to suffer hunger, cold and other hardships at the appropriate time to think bees make honey, it's their job.
Certainly things are not so simple but the story to the idea the correct relationship man-ape.
To be more specific in the beekeeper must learn to play ahead of the bees that they plan to do and can do this by interpreting the many signals that draw the bees within the hive.
have everything ready, frames, comb foundations, supers, diaphragms, arniette to swarm, location, etc. for the transhumance. is a great advantage, not to be caught unprepared is one of the secrets of beekeeping.
In the early days may be useful to keep a file for each hive on which to record the status of the hive, with the experience just a glimpse inside the hive to understand many things, past, present and future.
What should I write?
beginning simple things such as:
- number of combs covered bees
- extension of the brood and its position
- compact brood
- quantity of stocks in honey and pollen
Week by week you will see the progress or lack of it, you can make the comparison between the hives and learn to recognize other important signals:
- elongation of the cells containing honey
- production of new wax
- deposition of male broods
- hint the construction of royal cells
The constant comparison between the observations in the field also in relation to seasonal variations, a good manual of instructions and advice of a teacher professional development are the tools of a beekeeper.


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