Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 - Vol.​2 Stream

Beekeeping depressed: the reproductive success of Varroa

I have the impression that, for most people, use your brain, in addition to basic vital functions, even to think and reason action is highly impractical. I firmly believe that the reproductive success of Varroa has three powerful allies beekeepers the foolishness, ignorance of the researchers, the interest of many who have played with varroa lucrative business.

control Varroa requires basic knowledge that can be briefly summarized as follows:
- knowledge of the life cycle of bees and compared the vaoora
- implementation of early diagnostic methods
- understood as the correct application, method and timing of the most popular on the market antivarroa
- application, even intermittently, physical control methods such as block brood, the removal of the male brood, and so on.
and finally
- application of space mussi
How is it that, faced with a arsenal of this kind, the mite continues to lord it, if the news is true, in large Part of the Italian farms?
Use wrong and what's more sequentially in the same apiary, acaricides of a different nature, has led to the emergence of cross-resistance to most common active ingredients to useless to them.
Experience on the fight against varroa, since 1979 (January 2011), leads me to say that no beekeeper will never be able to control the pest if acting in isolation and this is more true than ever with increasing densities of hives in the area, one of the open secrets is "to act in a coordinated manner within a regional control plan."
The development of a drug whether veterinary or human use of the following protocols that over the years to identify the activity of the active against the pathogen also its physiological mechanism of action. Knowing the mechanism of action is crucial to establish methods of administration, dosage, time of administration.
in the fight against varroa, bee-keepers in general, relying on an excess of self-esteem, have ventured in the application of economic solutions, not always effectiveness, and in the search for a solution capable of miraculous free of the varroa , often eschewing the pretext of reducing operating costs, duly registered and licensed products, but then, in the grip of desperation move in sequence from one to the atrium without respect of times and dosages.
This authentic madness was the main cause of the damage from varroa which are now visible to everyone.
The beauty of this whole story is that all the inventions that have been shown to be effective they also had endorsed a pseudo science that has, to some extent, promoted the use, someone remembers:
- amitraz administered microdiffusore
- strips of poplar fluvalinate
- thymol menthol mixture
- acids organic lactic, formic and oxalic then
Not to mention the methods of administration, an encyclopaedia.
Take for example the last case in chronological order sublimed oxalic acid. By adopting this method, all believe they are working against varroa oxalic acid as the active ingredient instead is not true. Sublimation is the direct change from solid to gas without passing from the liquid state. Well not sublimate all the oxalic acid at a temperature of 189.5 ° C decomposes producing carbon dioxide and formic acid, formic acid and it is acting against varroa, the smoke you see is largely due to ' water contained in the acid crystals that evaporate suddenly, like an explosion causes condensation and suffered as a result of the expansion and for contact with the air temperature considerably lower.
Does anyone remember that you have ever read, or be aware of scientific studies that investigate biological mechanisms of action of many antivarroa, common and recommended, such as organic acids and aromatic substances? And not knowing the mechanisms of action, on what basis are recommended dosages and methods of administration? Eye? Then it is justifiable, even if not shared, if beekeepers have made their personal recipes, the most serious aspect, however, is not the proliferation of recipes but the spread of the DIY mentality that, no doubt, is one of the causes of survival to the bitter end of the varroa.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Chart Baby Shower

Inflammation of the liver, the Hidden Killer

Inflammation, The Hidden Killer

Resolving Inflammation means to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis and obesity.
Many different diseases and disorders have inflammation as the source organism.
The cause inflammation if left untreated cell degeneration.

The inflammation of the body are favored by today's lifestyle, from a power imbalance and lack of exercise, stress and pollution also encourage the development of inflammation.
inflamed an organism is equivalent to a body weakened, and more prone to illness.

Resolving inflammation contributes to the return to a state of optimal health.
To treat inflammation may be used natural remedies that are proven, and food
substances commonly used as resveratrol, vitamin E, algae, rose hips, trace elements, omega-3, enzymes and some medicinal plants. The book

Inflammation Killer hidden presents solutions to treat and prevent naturally a wide range of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, stomach disorders, gastroesophageal reflux, obesity, high cholesterol and gingivitis, diseases have inflammation as the source.

Inflammation is available in both hardcopy in digital format (ebook)
Read more:

Inflammation The Hidden Killer Paper

Inflammation The Hidden Killer Ebook

Friday, January 21, 2011

Does Castor Oil Make Hair Thicker

Flowers and Medicinal Plants in Copper Anti

Medicinal Plants and Flowers

Cure herbs is one of the practices the oldest man to have undertaken in the history of medicine, and is also one of the most effective.
flowers and medicinal plants is a book that describes the main plants with healing abilities, methods of preparation, the therapeutic indications of flowers and medicinal plants.

Cure flowers and medicinal plants, is an 'alternative to traditional medicine, should be noted that flowers and medicinal plants can not fully replace the drugs, and in case of complaints is always good to go first with your doctor.

Not all plants do well, many of them can be hazardous to health, and even death, this book teaches how to identify flowers and plants that have medicinal properties is not hazardous.
The author is indeed a great expert on flowers and plants beneficial to know in every aspect, from the time of collection, preservation, part therapy, explains the benefits and preparation.

flowers and medicinal plants describes 300 different types of plants, flowers and medicinal plants is essential for treatment with metodi alternativi semplici, o per conoscere le caratteristiche delle tante piante che ci circondano.

Per Saperne di Più:

Fiori e Piante Medicinali

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Normal Cm Right Before

Un disinfettante dalla medicina cinese

More than 30 years ago, a friend, a Chinese prince, doctor he told me the recipe for a disinfectant external and internal (oral care, but you can also safely ingest), which, he said, was used in China for many years in the operating room.
I had a baby and not ever disinfettai with disinfectants on the market but only with what I did with the recipe of my friend.
Now my daughter is almost 30 years and uses the same product with her two children, with great success.

The recipe is this:
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Watch Big Bang Theoryquicktime

Patch Patch Cervical

Cerotto in Rame Anti Cervicale

Il cerotto in Rame Anti Cervicale è in grado di alleviare il dolore da cervicale immediatamente grazie all'intenso calore indotto dal rame, che produce un costante effetto di auto-guarigione.
Grazie all'azione benefica del cerotto in rame anticervicale, i noduli artritici delle vertebre cervicali vengono lentamente riassorbiti e il sollievo iniziale diventa definitivo.

Il cerotto in rame anticervicale è realizzato with an emulsion of natural resins and pure copper powder, is shaped to fit perfectly to the neck area, neck and shoulders, the patch anticervicale copper can also be used for several consecutive days and is reusable, because the copper does not exhaust ever its beneficial effect.

copper anticervicale The patch consists of a special emulsion of pure copper metal, made of seven layers on a strip of natural raw silk.
The stratification of the emulsion can increase immeasurably the radiating surface of the metal, multiplying their effectiveness.

How to use the patch
copper anticervicale is applied directly on the sore.
can be used more than once, is water resistant.
You can keep him both day and night. It has no contra-indications. Do not apply on wounds.

Read more: Patch Copper Anticervicale

Why Did Jesus Refuse The Wine

Copper Anti Pain

Patch Pain In Copper Anti

The patch Copper Anti Pain is in an emulsion of pure copper metal in seven layers on a strip of Natural raw silk.
This greatly increases the radiating surface of the metal, making it very effective.

The patch pain relief immediately terminate copper pain by:

pain in the lumbar region.
intestinal and renal colic.

Copper emulsion which is the pain relief patch radiates heat that melts the muscle cramps, alleviates pain from trauma, strains, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis, but back pain and backache.

The patch helps with pain relief in copper intestinal and renal colic, says the drug treatment of renal diseases and the stagnation of blood circulation.

How to use the patch
copper pain relief is applied directly on the sore, it is used several times, is water resistant.
You can keep him both day and night and does not conflict, just do not apply to open wounds.

To Learn more click here in Copper Patch skin cooler

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Do I Have To Wear Black Spandex?

Beekeeping for beginners: everything you need to know to become a Beekeeper Beekeeping

from requests that come via e-mail, and statistical analysis of the keywords used in research in this blog and other sites of national interest, it is clear that there is a strong and growing interest for the activity of bee-keeping, even by those who are, despite himself, in unforeseen and serious economic difficulties.

It should be noted that breeding bee is likely to be conducted on many levels adapting perfectly to the needs, capabilities and technical and economic possibilities of each.
Of course there are some basic conditions which can not be ignored and are
- verification of the sensitivity to bee venom
- a good knowledge of anatomy, physiology and ethology of bees
- knowledge of nectar resources of the territory in which they will operate
- analysis of the potential availability of economic resources, weather and local portions of land to place the hives
- possibilità di usufruire dei consigli di un apicoltore esperto
- forte propensione all'osservazione e disponibilità ad imparare dalle api
Dall'analisi delle condizioni iniziali deriva il livello massimo su cui potersi posizionare, alla fine di un processo evolutivo, riguardo alla dimensione dell'allevamento, riferito come numero di alveari gestibili.
Per fare un esempio concreto, chi ha un lavoro da dipendente difficilmente può arrivare a gestire un allevamento di oltre cinquanta alveari.
Il principiante deve fare esperienza e la deve fare possibilmente in un contesto di tranquillità, per questo it is considered necessary the support of a tutor.

Visit to a Bee hive Sicula

When they decide to take up beekeeping is advisable to start with a few hives, three would be perfect.
Why three?
Typically, the starting point of any business is the purchase of bee swarms with five combs, managing only a swarm does not provide sufficient data to gain experience for its conduct è influenzato da fattori interni come razza, età della regina, stato di salute ecc. e da fattori esterni posizionamento, andamento climatico, disponibilità di pascolo, ecc. per tanto, non avendo la possibilità di fare un confronto con altri alveari, il novello apicoltore, non capisce i motivi del comportamento del suo sciame, positivo o negativo che sia.
Invece conducendo un minimo di tre sciami, posizionati nello stesso luogo e quindi a parità di condizioni esterne, le differenze nel loro andamento dipende solo da fattori interni e dalle azioni del novello apicoltore. Viene così facilitata la maturazione di un'esperienza.
Sono tante le cose che l'apicoltore deve learn a very important among these is the relationship established with his hives, as my teacher said Bruno Pasi, beekeeper to tailor Albaredo D'Adige (VR), the beekeeper must not think of honey, but must be concerned for the welfare of hives taking care not to have to suffer hunger, cold and other hardships at the appropriate time to think bees make honey, it's their job.
Certainly things are not so simple but the story to the idea the correct relationship man-ape.
To be more specific in the beekeeper must learn to play ahead of the bees that they plan to do and can do this by interpreting the many signals that draw the bees within the hive.
have everything ready, frames, comb foundations, supers, diaphragms, arniette to swarm, location, etc. for the transhumance. is a great advantage, not to be caught unprepared is one of the secrets of beekeeping.
In the early days may be useful to keep a file for each hive on which to record the status of the hive, with the experience just a glimpse inside the hive to understand many things, past, present and future.
What should I write?
beginning simple things such as:
- number of combs covered bees
- extension of the brood and its position
- compact brood
- quantity of stocks in honey and pollen
Week by week you will see the progress or lack of it, you can make the comparison between the hives and learn to recognize other important signals:
- elongation of the cells containing honey
- production of new wax
- deposition of male broods
- hint the construction of royal cells
The constant comparison between the observations in the field also in relation to seasonal variations, a good manual of instructions and advice of a teacher professional development are the tools of a beekeeper.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Swollen Lymph Nodes

old: a tribute to the colleagues of Sardinia

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Signs Scorpio Guy Not Interested

Mal di denti, rimedio naturale (e temporaneo)

The thymus inflammation of significant effects.
A useful method for sleep soundly with inflamed gums (and wait for the next day to go to the dentist), is to make a gauze bag stuffed with finely chopped thyme, and place and keep in touch with all swollen gums night (between the cheek and teeth). Saliva wet gauze and thyme activates its potent anti-inflammatory effects.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Motorbike Birthday Cakedecorate

Macchie sulle mani in vecchiaia

groped Tips to reduce stains that occur on a certain age skin, often on the backs of hands , on forearms, forehead, shoulders.
The first tip is obvious for the advice of a dermatologist, who may consider that there are no malignancies.

to clean the skin using extra virgin olive oil and a hot towel, rinse with lemon juice and water. Not usare mai creme di
Continua a leggere »

Are Deer Hot Sticks Good For You

Guarire un' afta con le erbe

Gengive e bocca possono essere bersaglio di questo fastidioso sintomo, un modo per curare le afte è fare sciacqui con un infuso fatto con un litro di acqua, 90 grammi di salvia , 90 grammi di menta e 70 di timo serpillo.
Può essere usata anche la tormentilla

Anche la malva può aiutare se messa in infusione insieme al timo (un cucchiaino nelle stesse proporzioni), e bevuto morning and evening for 3 weeks.
If needed, wait a week and continue the infusion for 3 more.

picture Else Leppanen