BIO: biological management of the hives, the parasite Varroa control methods. Beekeeping techniques put in place for the implementation of organic production, require knowledge of biology, physiology and ethology of the organizations involved in the production process , we suggest that knowledge of the methods and tools to maintain healthy bodies covered livestock, animals or plants that are in compliance with the health of products and maintaining a viable level of production.
At this time of serious problems for beekeepers who suffer from very strong bee die-offs attributed mainly to the difficulty of controlling pests such as mites and Nosema, as everyone is searching for the "fairy dust" that collapses the parasites, it is not clear why we should not talk of what we have already experienced and that it works is, the methods of bio-mechanical and biological control in the strict sense of the varroa.
For over twenty years, knows a very efficient way to combat varroa, this method which is based on the preference for male brood varroa. The inventor of this method is the beekeeper that made him Michael Campero known to the beekeeping world with the publication in 1990 of a booklet entitled "Fight the Varroa biomechanics.
In summary we can say that the method is to create an area within the hive where the bees can build brood combs suited to the male, removed periodically, it allows the physical removal of varroa it contains .
The method of physical limitations related to the production cycle of the bee alone is not sufficient for his complete recovery, however, remains very low level of infestation and intervention will fall with oxalic acid has no eradication but il mantenimento del parassita a livelli molto bassi.
Nel mese di settembre del 2003, in occasione del congresso mondiale di apicoltura tenutosi a Lubiana, alla presenza delle massime autorità della ricerca, l’apicoltore Francesco Mussi, con il sostegno della FAI-Federazione apicoltori italiani, ha reso nota la sua scoperta del metodo di controllo assoluto del parassita varroa che va sotto il nome di Spazio Mussi©.
Il metodo sfrutta la naturale attitudine delle api di liberarsi del parassita.
Le api sono capaci di applicare questa loro innata capacità soltanto in condizioni particolari che non sono in contrasto con l’attività beekeeper and do not in any way affect the level of production of the hives.
The beekeeper F. Mussi has found that increasing the distance between the combs and more specifically, going from thirty-eight point five millimeters to forty millimeters, which means distances between the central axes of these combs, the bees are able to free themselves from the parasitic varroa.
The parasite is not eliminated completely, but the level of infection remains low enough not to disturb minimally the life, work and productivity of the bees.
When in the spring of 2004 began for the first time to test the Space © Mussi, does not yet possess the standoff regulations, I simply adapted to the instructions given orally by Francesco Mussi in Ljubljana in September the year before splitting in a way appropriate to the space within the hive .
The results were in line with expectations, and the following year, changed to be a space and four hundred hives Mussi © all of my breeding.
Since then, for all beekeepers who have converted to Space © Mussi, varroa and only a bad memory.
For the beekeeper who will dedicate themselves to produzioni biologiche l’adozione dello Spazio Mussi© significa produrre in tutta sicurezza al riparo di ogni inquinamento chimico ed in più con notevole risparmio di lavoro e di denaro.
La capacità delle api di piegare lo spazio alle proprie esigenze è notevole, tutti abbiamo visto sciami installati nei più strani contenitori e prosperarvi senza problemi, dalla botticella abbandonata al tubo da stufa, dall’intercapedine di un muro al vecchio comodino, dal vano del contatore dell’energia elettrica al mucchio di legna, ecc. ecc. dove in passato, in assenza della varroa, sarebbero vissute alla grande.
Vi figurate un alveare che si trova in difficoltà Area: Mussi ©?
The truth is otherwise, it is the beekeeper who has difficulty adapting to new conditions created inside the hive, resulting from the adoption of Space © Mussi.
E 'a legitimate question: \u0026lt;it's better to work harder, spending on treatment, abuse bees, hive pollute the environment, the risk of poisoning? Or is it better to put in place small measures to adapt driving from beekeeper hives to the new situation from Space Mussi ©? >
Bodies di controllo delle produzioni biologiche dovrebbero prendere coscienza di queste realtà applicate e sperimentate per lunghi anni, dagli apicoltori più attenti, per inserirle tra le metodologie consigliate nella condizione degli alveari, con un atteggiamento analogo a quello adottato per gli acidi organici; con la differenza che i metodi descritti, Campero e Spazio Mussi©, sono sicuramente funzionanti, non inquinati per l’ambiente alveare e le relative produzioni.
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