Saturday, July 10, 2010

Todd Lammle Ccna Labs

Ricetta tarassaco - Insalata matta con le uova sode

's crazy salad name, popular in northern Italy to define the "dandelion " if caught very early (ie before it flowers NDR) to the melting of snow is great in salads with boiled eggs.

- take the map with a portion of the root
- World of damaged leaves and peel the root without deleting
- Wash more times in cold water and in the end, before the final rinse, take a few minutes to soak in plenty of water with a glass of "Amuchina.
- season with a tramp of fresh garlic, anchovies, salt, vinegar and oil.
- cook hard-boiled eggs (12 'since boiling water and number you wish) and then peel them, mash with a fork.
- then mix them with the crazy salad, a nice piece of crusty bread in his hand and a good appetite.

author: Frank S.

The Dandelion is a well-known purification

photos DC cielomiomarito

Friday, July 9, 2010

Build Your Own Bathtub From Concrete

breeding queen bees in the square: Milk and Honey to Catellammare del Golfo (TP)

The foundation Buccellato Annalisa, the owner of Museo etno-antropologico ospitato presso i locali del Castello Arabo-Normanno di Castellammare del Golfo (TP) , dedica  ogni anno  una manifestazione  ad uno dei temi museali con lo scopo non solo di promuovere la conoscenza del passato, ma anche di suggerire i legami intercorrenti fra vecchio e nuovo e di  approfondire le problematiche attuali dei temi trattati.

L’evento di quest’anno sarà dedicato a “ IL LATTE E IL MIELE
areas of the museum dedicated to the topics documented breeding, dairy farming, dairy production in our region and the rearing of bees represented the most common tools, such as wooden hives, the frames furniture, honey extractors with which centrifuging the honey combs are made out without destroying them. And then brushes, nurturing, smokehouses, knives and forks, etc. for the uncapping. etc..
The target audience is of course the local population, particularly the younger generation, but also many tourists every year choose our places to spend the holidays, of which it wants to offer, in addition to the enjoyment of natural beauty, including a broader historical and cultural knowledge of the territory.

Events in the events:

Saturday, July 31
Castle Square at 19.30
Demonstration of production of ricotta cheese and
Commented by Gaetano Basile
Sunday, August 1
19.00 Piazza Castello
Demonstration of honey and wax
Commented by Gaetano Basile
museum environment, "the honeymoon"
during the event will offer local producers, in tents set up in Piazza Castello, free tastings of products typical of the province of Trapani

Toddler Thirst All The Time

Egadi of Beekeeping: Honey Bee Timo

L’esercizio dell’apicoltura a fini economici vanta una tradizione, nelle isole Egadi, che si fa risalire al tempo della colonizzazione romana. La fonte principale di informazione, oltre la tradizione orale, è rappresentata dal lavoro del naturalista napoletano Monticelli Teodoro, che trascorse esule alcuni anni nell’isola di Favignana, pubblicando la sua esperienza in un trattatello del 1835 che ha per titolo “Del trattamento delle api in Favignana”.
Nelle isole le principali fonti nettarifere sono tuttora heather multiflora represented, from rosemary, and thyme from the thistle varieties capitatus.
The largest quantity was sold and is by far made up of thyme honey, the plant, the Timus capitatus, the most widespread in Favignana, was a source of transhumance in Sicily and precisely along the coastal strip between Marsala and Mazzara where the terrain to ski tuff, is particularly conducive to the spontaneous spread of the plant. Today, this range has very limited modern shearing machines allow you to transform your skiing in uncultivated agricultural land particularly suited to crops in greenhouses.

bush bloomed thyme

Transhumance was conducted by means of barges called schifazzi ", a version of the great Mediterranean crop, normally used for carrying goods and in particular the white tuff from the quarries of Favignana, Sicily were exported for the construction of fine homes.
thyme honey has always been considered one of the best honeys in the world, from A publication of the Institute of historical merceologia Pescara is noted that in Roman times were known and traded Three main types of honey, honey Penthouse the most appreciated, today we would call the top of the line, honey Ibleo classic thyme honey of a quality comparable Phoenician and honey, a popular product.
The thymus is part of life and culture of Egadi, in June, when the plant blooms, the landscape is dominated by patches of pink-purple thyme bushes, bunches of the plant are used in respect for tradition, in the processing of tuna during cooking, which gives it a characteristic aroma and taste, in the past was used by the poor as domestic fuel.

In the forties and fifties of the last century, the farm hand was the poorest class of the population and, after a hard day's work was his task to provide fuel for the preparation of the only daily meal for him and his family. So, on the way back home, get some twigs of thyme, the only woody plant on the island available for free to all. The fireworks lit the evening air of the country to spread a special flavor that for those who still remember those sad times, is the smell of poverty.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cute Picnik Poems About Friends

Environment: Ecological validity Bee Bee

Honey production is not the only aspect of the livestock and bees, contrary to popular belief, not even the most important. Decades of studies conducted by universities around the world have Dimos, have found that the benefits derived from the work of bees, agriculture is about one hundred times greater than the direct benefits derived dall'apicoltore .

The widespread presence of beehives in the area guarantees the conservation, Health Commission as well as productivity.
service pollination by bees performed primarily ensures the reproduction and survival of all those wild plant species
that, just by their presence, ensure the stability of soil structure and thus the hydro-geological territory.
The bees do not survive in environments polluted by different agents, so they have also been used by the entomologist prof. Giorgio Celli for environmental monitoring, because their growth affects the human behavior in the sense of respecting the environment, with clear advantages on the livability of the area.
Infine effettuando l'impollinazione incrociata delle specie orto-frutticole e sementiere, aumentano in modo considerevole non solo la produttività dei terreni agrari ma sopratutto la qualità delle produzioni.
In sintesi l'allevamento delle api condiziona direttamente ed indirettamente la vivibilità ambientale elevandone considerevolmente lo standard qualitativo.
Mortificare l'apicoltura rappresenta un passo indietro nella salvaguardia ecologica del nostro paese e della salute di tutti noi.
Lo sanno quelli che trattano con insetticidi i frutteti in fiore ?
Facciamoglielo sapere, la lotta all'ignoranza non può conoscere soste !