Environment: Ecological validity Bee Bee Honey production is not the only aspect of the livestock and bees, contrary to popular belief, not even the most important. Decades of studies conducted by universities around the world have Dimos, have found that the benefits derived from the work of bees, agriculture is about one hundred times greater than the direct benefits derived dall'apicoltore .
The widespread presence of beehives in the area guarantees the conservation, Health Commission as well as productivity.
service pollination by bees performed primarily ensures the reproduction and survival of all those wild plant species
that, just by their presence, ensure the stability of soil structure and thus the hydro-geological territory.
The bees do not survive in environments polluted by different agents, so they have also been used by the entomologist prof. Giorgio Celli for environmental monitoring, because their growth affects the human behavior in the sense of respecting the environment, with clear advantages on the livability of the area.
Infine effettuando l'impollinazione incrociata delle specie orto-frutticole e sementiere, aumentano in modo considerevole non solo la produttività dei terreni agrari ma sopratutto la qualità delle produzioni.
In sintesi l'allevamento delle api condiziona direttamente ed indirettamente la vivibilità ambientale elevandone considerevolmente lo standard qualitativo.
Mortificare l'apicoltura rappresenta un passo indietro nella salvaguardia ecologica del nostro paese e della salute di tutti noi.
Lo sanno quelli che trattano con insetticidi i frutteti in fiore ?
Facciamoglielo sapere, la lotta all'ignoranza non può conoscere soste !