Thursday, February 24, 2011

Antique Letter Opener

Cicatrizzare labbra screpolate e tagliate

To repair dry lips and cuts that may appear in dry cold winter, mix a drop of essential oil of lavender one teaspoon of honey , and with this you make a pack for massaging the lips not penetrate. Keep what you can and wash it with cotton cloth.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can You Get Lighter Fluid That Doesn't Evaporate

Enema or enema

What is it and how you run a

Enema enema is a useful practice for all diseases, is used to purify the body to accelerate the elimination of hardened feces and toxins, the enema can quickly clean the colon . Thanks to the body
enema save significant amounts of energy to devote to healing.
To perform an enema, you buy in the drugstore kit consisting of bag, hose and tube with tap, you use the enema for the small tube that is used to great vaginal washings.

Implementing Rules of the enema

Carry 6 enema every other day, after all as many times as you feel the need.
Occor 1 liter and a half of water at a temperature slightly above body temperature, add a tablespoon of sea salt and dissolve.
To perform an enema, salt, sea salt should only be purchased in herb shops, or shops for organic food, absolutely do not use refined table salt or iodized salt.

can be added to the enema liquid a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil, honey is highly recommended.

Hang the enema bag in an elevated position, 1 meter and a half, connecting all parts of the enema kit, tube, valve, attach the thin spout Screw the mouth.
Pour the liquid into the container of enema preparation, turn on the tap and make out a small amount of air to remove the cannula.

Lightly grease the spout or the anus with a neutral cream or olive oil or butter, place a towel floor, lie down, the ideal position to perform an enema is lying on its right side with legs drawn in a fetal position.

Insert the cannula into the anus, slowly open the tap, with the first enema of the stimulus could be dismissed immediately, then proceeded to empty and start again.
When the liquid reaches the enema I blocked you could feel a stomach ache, try to withstand at least 10 seconds, the pain should disappear when the liquid enema exceeds the block.

If the pain does not disappear off the flow of water and eventually die.
When all the liquid enema came to turn upside down and gently massage the abdomen for 1-3 minutes.
If there comes a strong incentive to discharge proceed, otherwise wait for the time indicated. The first 2

enema should be made 1.5-liter, 2 liter enema then run.

For further information: Pierre Pellizzari

Clean up their organs
Living Nature Enema Equipment

Elektra Warrior Beads


Benefits dell'Idrocolonterapia

The hydrocolontherapy is an intervention aimed at cleansing the bowel.
Over the years, the intestine tends to get clogged because of encrusted feces that stick to the wall, tend to malfunction due to parasites that are hidden and not excreted in the feces.

The hydrocolontherapy is able to clean the intestines from any fouling or parasite and restore the smooth operation, remember that a well functioning gut enables a regular bowel movement without effort, without constipation or diarrhea, and without smell exaggerated.
's intervention hydrocolontherapy running at a specialized clinic, is not invasive nor painful.

The hydrocolontherapy is an intervention that lasts between 30 to 45 minutes , consists of an enema performed with the aid of a machine, is inserted through the anus of a probe which allows both ' input of the washing liquid that the expulsion of feces and debris left in the colon.
L 'hydrocolontherapy you lying on a massage table, turned on its side, the therapist inserts the probe into the anus, the machine sends water to the proper temperature and pressure adjustment, alteration phases filling emptying phases .

During discharge feces, debris and parasites are conveyed to the outside of a glass tube illuminated through which you can see what comes out.
hydrocolontherapy The treatment is painless and the benefits in terms of improving physical fitness are important, constipation or diarrhea are eliminated, defecation is regular in time to avoid the body absorb toxins, it recovers energy and many physical discomforts disappear.

All alternative medicine therapies for the treatment of serious illnesses requiring first of colon cleansing and enforcement dell'idrocolonterapia.

Main: Italian Association of

Pierre Pellizzari Clean their organs
Louise Mazzuca Hydrocolontherapy

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Much Is The 2001 Seadoo Rx Werth

Secret of Quantum Healing

The Secret Quantum Healing

The secret of quantum healing teaches us an extraordinary healing technique easy to use and requires no special knowledge, and that everyone can learn!
Healing comes with the awareness of the problem that generated disease, healing begins when the person becomes aware of the problem.

With quantum healing the cured person receives a deep healing, the healer also derive from them huge benefits and a feeling of being immediate and prolonged.
The secret of quantum healing is a book written by Dr. Frank Kinslow , he shows how the awareness, has the power to heal, you may become aware of a headache, a atrosi, an 'indigestion, of any disorder of the body more or less severe, the awareness with his organizational skills puts everything in place and start the healing process.

This is a process of deep healing fast e comprovato, che guarisce sia il corpo che la mente.
Il segreto della guarigione quantica si impara facilmente ed è efficace da subito.
La pura consapevolezza permette di ottenere e creare ogni cosa, e il livello della consapevolezza determina la qualità della nostra vita.

La guarigione quantica è un metodo immediato che si può usare per guarire se stessi e anche nell’ambito di una professione medica o di guaritore.

Per saperne di più:

Il Segreto della Guarigione Quantica

Dress Sandalsflat Silver

Epsom Salt for Liver Cleanse

Il Sale di Epsom per la Pulizia del Fegato

Il sale di epsom è un prodotto antichissimo, la epsomite (magnesio sulfate) is known as Epsom salt, Epsom salts or bitter salt, for its characteristic bitter taste.
deposits discovered in the spring of evaporation of Epsom, England, is used since ancient times to purify body and spirit.

Epsom Salt is essential for the liver flush, epsom salt eliminates the calculations no side effects to the liver and bile duct as described in detail in the book by Andreas Moritz Healing the Liver with Hepatic Cleaning .
Cleaning with epsom salt improves digestion, diminish or eliminate a number of pains in his shoulders, forearms, upper back.

epsom salt a natural laxative can be considered non-irritating to the intestinal mucosa. The Epsom salt is also used in the bath, dissolved in water, for the detoxification of the skin, is also recommended a bath in water with epsom salt before starting meditation.

How to use: it is recommended that the intake of 3 g. (A teaspoon) of Epsom salt powder dissolved in a glass of water.
not exceed the recommended daily dose. The supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Read more:

Epsom Salt

Would 250 Mg Temazepam Kill You

Epsom salts to wash


Articolo tratto dal libro " Guarire il Fe­ga­to con il Lavag­gio Epati­co "

Ore 18:00
Ag­giungere quat­tro cuc­chi­ai di sali di Ep­som (solfa­to di mag­ne­sio) a tre bic­chieri da cir­ca 33 mi di ac­qua fil­trati in una broc­ca: otteniamo quat­tro porzioni da 3 quar­ti di bic­chiere cias­cu­na.
Bere la pri­ma portion (3 quar-bic-banker of you): you can drink some source of know-ac-ter after elim-inated for the bitter in the mouth caused by the ca-epsom salt, possibly ag-junction-gere a bit ', successful co-lemon epsom salt to improve flavor.

The Epsom salt can be drunk with a can-cia of nuc-plas-ti-ca to avoid coin-vol-gi-men-to the pa-pill-gus-ta-tion on the lan-gauge; or try to tap-par-si il na­so men­tre si beve, può es­sere utile lavar­si i den­ti subito dopo o sci­ac­quare la boc­ca con bi­car­bon­ato di so­dio.
Il sale di Ep­som serve a di­latare i dot­ti bil­iari ren­den­do più sem­plice il pas­sag­gio dei cal­coli.

(In caso di allergia al sale di Ep­som us­are le stesse dosi di cit­ra­to di mag­ne­sio .)

Togli­ere ORIF of the fridge-I-I-citrus fruit to be used suc-ces-si-va-mind, let's give scal-tem-per-atu ra-am-bi-being.

20:00 pm
Drinking sec-on-dose (3 quar-ti of bic-banker) salt Ep-som.

21:00 pm If you do not feel movement-men-in-ti-fi-ing texts in no time and you do not have com-ple-ta-ta to the emptied-men-to colon du-ring the Ven-ti-four hours spent, make a LCIS tere-ac-ter that will launch a series of move-if-you-men-in-tional texts.

21:45 pm
Wash the pom-pel-I (or lemons and oranges), rli-squeeze with your hands and remove the pol-pa. It takes you to three quar-bic-banker, successful co-: ver-I would be the success and co-mez-zo-bic banker of oil in the oil-va-ca-la broc by mez zo-liter cir-ca, chi-uder and shake it strong for a good twenty times or fi-na-no to-do when the solution is well diluted-ta.
The ide-drinking ale would mis-ques-tion lies

22:00 pm
If warn-tite also co-ra-ne-ces-sity, the an-bag give-no, you can re- tar-to ques-tion during the 10-minute tri-ti.

22:00 pm
position-at-the-evi-an-fi co the let-to (not home-te-vi)-to prepare and drink, if pos-si-tion, how-to of a fi-ed. Al-wedge to-people prefer to drink UTI-liz-zan-do a great can-cia of nuc-plas-ti-ca. It seems that the most ef-metho-do-fi-cient with sista in drinking tap-pan-na-so the doses. If nec-es-sary, as-sumete a little 'honey I know of a source-and-other-for AIU can help you to digest in- the mis-concealed. The May-day part of the persons, how-ever, has no prob-le-tut-to me to drink it in a fi-ed: co-RONMENT not imp-gate-us-ie more than 5 min-I (I know-it-for the old people or little de-bolus tran-no-imp-i-gar-we more).

Learn more:

Healing the Liver with Hepatic Cleaning

Epsom Salt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Birthday Cake With A Motorbike

Succo di mirtillo e migliorare la vista

The blueberry is known to have antioxidant characteristics considerable benefits for eyes, the microcirculation , remedy for cystitis , the memory and so on and so forth.

A significant improvement of vision and night vision may be noticed after a certain period is assumed, for example every day in the morning, juice mirtillo.Può be done for weeks, taking the withdrawal periods between one cycle to another.
Personally, I drink in the morning to
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