Sunday, May 30, 2010

Milani Runway Gold Eyeshadow

Sport Relief: Get a swarm from a window

Questa primavera, particolarmente pazza, abbiamo ricevuto moltissime chiamate per il recupero di sciami, ecco la sequenza del recupero da un vano di finestra.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

St Bernard/newfoundland Dogs

Beekeeping a disaster waiting to happen: The horrible drug addiction beekeepers Beekeeping

ran the eighties of last century and varroa, from the east, took possession of Europe, no one knew exactly what to do, but all were voted to any solution yet to save their hives. Was a proliferation of inventions, of true and false solutions and not improvised, mostly re-formulating, with inventive all-Italian solution also from the east. In this "vast sea" of confusion and need someone and there was certainly more than one, which
tried a different way to approach the problem arose and spread such fund network antivarroa " that is not the final solution but it has made and continues to make its contribution. Among the many shows the figure of the professor. R. Bozzi of Pistoia (physical and beekeeper), who, with rationality (rare commodity), first put order in all the confusion,  con una pubblicazione fatta di testi e diapositive, mettendo a confronto tutti i metodi e i prodotti antivarroa allora adoperati, indicando chiaramente il modo di calcolare il grado di infestazione attuale e futuro di un alveare, i pericoli della farmaco resistenza ed il modo di limitarla e proponendo per primo un metodo di lotta, oggi diremo bio-meccanico, di confinamento della regina per rendere massima l’efficacia dell’inevitabile, allora, trattamento chimico.

Il prof. Bozzi andò, in tutti i luoghi d’Italia in cui fu chiamato, ad illustrare la sua opera, venne pure a Trapani e siamo in molti a ricordare che la sala conferenze della camera di commercio, capiente four hundred people, was not enough to contain all the speakers, the conference lasted for two hours beyond the time limit. Certainly the method Bozzi, confinement of the queen, is not very practical, reliable in operation, but its value is to have indicated a way forward.
For many, many years, unheard!
Meanwhile, they proposed, sold and used in several tons of the most disgraceful chemical, preferably illegal dabenaggine or madness?.
A few years later, almost simultaneously in 1990, he does a great leap forward in the fight against bio-mechanics to varroa M. Campero (beekeeper), and with a historically famous publication, offers its silkworm trap indicator, such as natural solution to control varroa. Already the approach is different, no longer the search for final solution but the possible coexistence.
The method is interesting in several respects and, if presented properly, it helps a lot not only to control varroa but also, technical and cultural growth of the beekeeper.
Its application requires, and where to create the missing, the knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate la vita dell’alveare, un ottimo strumento di crescita professionale.
I soliti tromboni hanno decretato: Bocciato!  
Si spesero più energie nella lotta contro M. Campero che nella lotta contro la varroa.
E intanto si propongono, vendono e adoperano, a tonnellate le più diverse porcherie chimiche.
Eppure ci fu uno stupido, un certo Vincenzo Stampa (chimico apicoltore), che lo mise in pratica, cercando di capirne il funzionamento e di adattarlo alla situazione locale, e lo diffuse tra gli apicoltori della provincia di Trapani con great satisfaction for all.
For the detractors of the method, even those who call themselves professionals say to try to become beekeepers!
Allow me an aside that perhaps it seems that has nothing to do with the varroa, you know the flies? Only a clean environment, with the daily work of all, prevents the uncontrolled proliferation of flies, insecticides are finishing work.
work, effort, thinking, all things high into disuse, are all the rage syrups that heals all wounds, in the best tradition of Western films, powders "pimpirimpì" also known as magic potions, and now, last call, s'invoca the miracle!
Yet after a total failure, which is under everybody's eyes, hives mortality of up to 80%, still wonder new chemicals against varroa, doped stuff!.
Once again you try to download other, it is not clear as to which, to blame.
Yet the solutions to minimize the use of chemicals and save the hives are, try running and accessible for free at different levels of commitment, block brood more than one method of silkworm eggs and Campero last in order of time, method SpazioMussi ©.
And here history repeats itself, trombone beekeeping shoot to zero, the bee-doped twist your mouth, but because instead of wasting time talking ill of others, there rolled up their sleeves and make your good tests trying to figure out why and for how things?
term applied what we were told in Bern about the sudden depopulation of beehives around the world come to us statistical data, only complaints from Italy. "

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mri Of Brain And Atrophy And Alcohol Poisoning

farm: collecting pollen from the second part

Pollen is a perishable product because of its moisture content, resulting in part from the environment, partly from the hive and by the same method of collection.
Bees, to hold together the microscopic pollen grains during the harvest and moistened with nectar or honey, before you press them in the basket located in the hind legs. The sugars in the pollen is impregnated are hygroscopic and therefore
it tends to take moisture from the environment. Moisture promotes degradation phenomena and that is why the pollen, just recovered from the drawers of the traps must be dried quickly while maintaining a low temperature, excess heat may ruin some active ingredients that make it particularly beneficial.
The forced hot air dryer is an excellent tool for the drying of the pollen, there are several models on the market size and variable cost.
E 'possible and even easy enough to build it, adjusting its size to the real business need. A model suitable to receive the harvest of about two hundred traps is shown in the photos. It 'made with phenolic plywood (also called marine) of 15 mm in thickness which can be easily cut with a jigsaw also unprofessional, the pieces are held together by glue and lag bolts, the sky is made with an metal end of the type used for the bottom of the hives and the closure is made with clips of the type trunk. The shelves are made of a wooden frame made from strips of 20 x 25 mm held by metal brackets are screwed and are about 5 cm less deep than the drier, this device allows you to arrange staggered to create a course for the hot air that is forced to lick the surface of each shelf containing the pollen to a depth of about 1.5 cm, before leaving the sky and the bottom of the shelves is made with a thick plastic mosquito netting secured with a stapler.
The hot air is provided by a ventilated small space heater, the type used to heat small rooms, set on the front wall of the dryer,

need to do some testing to find the right combination of fan speed and heating of the help of a thermometer and keeping in mind that the air must not exceed 45 ° C. People who are more familiar with electric circuits, you can place a thermostat that acts on the circuit regulating the operation of the heater. Guideline to achieve the dryer shown in the photograph is addressed at a cost of about $ 100 dedicating a day of work.
The drying process takes about 24 hours, the pollen waiting to be cleansed of impurities is placed in plastic buckets for food (those for the honey) or in sealed bags and stored in freezer five or six days, this step is necessary to permanently inactivate any moth eggs hatching later that would make the product unsuitable for the sale and consumption. It 's interesting to note that the shift in freezer there avoids the use of pesticides, such as the anhydride solforosa,  permettendoci di garantire al consumatore un prodotto integro oltre che perfettamente conservabile.

Tipi di polline

polline di agrumi                          polline di cardo
polline di papavero                         polline di sulla 

V. Stampa